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March 15, 2024

“Is Obesity a New Phenomenon?”

Fat People During Prehistoric, Medieval and Current Times Overweight people existed even during prehistoric times. The above 41,000-year-old figurine Venus of Hohle Fels, made from mammoth ivory, is the oldest undisputed depiction of a human being. The woman portrayed by that prehistoric artifact lived in a cave near Schelklingen, Germany. Some experts …

March 15, 2024

“Were We Lied To By the FDA?”

In this embroidery, a magician/judge swirls his robe around.  It is not clear whether ‘Comirnaty’ or ‘Pfizer’ will appear on the robe.  It is a magician’s trick.  Behind the magician/judge, there are many shadows.  They are distorted and scary.    I was inspired by Stevan Douglas Looney’s Report 12: “Were …

March 15, 2024

“Vaccine Trials for Infants and Children Show Little to No Benefit”

In my interpretation of report 24 Pinocchio strides into the picture and plays tug-of-war with three children while three other children run and play.  Pinocchio has the Caduceus symbol for medicine on his shirt and,  “FDA,” “CDC,” and “Pfizer” printed on his sleeve. His nose is long because he has …

March 15, 2024

“Cytokines: A Cause for Concern In Pregnant and Nursing Women?”

In my interpretation of report 20, there is a mother who is breastfeeding.  She is very worried and in the middle of a storm – a cytokine storm.  The storm clouds are funneling, and the mother and child are in the middle.  The mother’s dress is a mirror reflection of …

March 15, 2024


During the height of the COVID pandemic, far too many doctors and medical professionals ignored the mountains of scientific evidence regarding the early treatment of COVID, the failures of the COVID-19 vaccine and the dangers mRNA vaccines pose to the public. A handful of courageous freedom-fighting doctors, like Dr. Peter …

Iziah Explains

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