Former BlackRock Fund Manager Edward Dowd Reveals Wall Street Now Paying Attention to the ‘Trust the Science’ Fraud

Blackrock’s Edward Dowd reveals Wall Street is now paying attention to the “trust the science” fraud.
As Pfizer try to ‘pump their stock’ Hedge Fund guru Dowd takes us inside what he calls the third great fraud in his lifetime, in this new bombshell interview with Dr. Naomi Wolf.
Watch the Full Interview Now!
Spike proteins getting in the water supply is an interesting question. I live along Lake Erie and it was found that the fish in that lake have nine times the amount of antidepressants in their brains than the ambient water they are swimming in. Obviously, antidepressants are getting there by way of sewage. By the way the medical system has been broken long before covid and the vaxxes came along.
Hey Brian , nice to meet you.
I read an article many years ago regarding fish in the Great Lakes. A study was done regarding Estrogen from birth control pills that 10s of 1000s women using them over decades. They noticed a severe decline of a certain fish and they discovered high levels of Estrogen in this species in the Great Lakes.
One-two double punch! Antidepressants will deplete their conservation/reproductive instinct and estrogen will defeat the purpose of the successful ones…
Very informative exchange. Excellent work by the volunteers. It is terrifying to think that many more people are going to suffer and die from a lack of information regarding the adverse side-effects from the Covid-19 vaccines. If the vaccines are incapable of eliminating the virus (stopping infection, replication, transmission), one has to wonder why our respect governments continue to promote and inject these deadly jabs into the arms of the general population?
Apparently my priminister made $500 million hawking the vaccines.
He invested through his trust. So he won’t be paying taxes on that money either. So apparently he purchased shares in a company (Arbutus). And in-spite of it being illegal under the emergency measures act to say safe and effective (only experimental and reveal side effects). And in-spite of not being a licensed doctor he advised Canadians to get jabbed.l. I guess that makes both him and the government of Canada libel. Not just liberal (haha).
But he went so far as to mandate an experimental medical procedure on Canadians (unbelievable to even just say). ( Unimaginable and i lived through it). I think he went so far as to over order and made money off each and every vaccine. And for no scientific reason tried and succeeded to get the vaccines into children. More market share? More profit for him? Yes on the profit part.
And we are aware that big pharma has been paying its vaccine hawkers. So it’s possible his crypto earnings (through his trust as well (no taxes as well)) is a laundered payout to the tune of I believe 75 million at this point.
Regardless I hope god has mercy on his soul and all his victims souls as well. We could all use it.
Why our respected governments…..My response keeps falling to Cicero’s famous :Cui bono?” Who will profit? Our western governments involved us all in social systems (Soc. Security here, also National Health in UK, Canada)–which for a while worked I suppose, when there were enough babies born to support the future costs. Inflection point was reached some time ago—cannot afford these programs–so shrinking the population means lessening the money hemmorhage. Trouble is–although killing off the elderly would indeed cut the rolls of recipients, the real jab effect is to destroy the money-making ability of the working age. Cui bono? This is just how it seems to me.
hemorrhage–ignosce mihi
Interesting interview. One would think Ms. Wolf would understand the full implications of what has happened but she does not. A truth too terrible to behold I guess. Whether beheld or not, it doesn’t change the course of events. I wonder what happens when people figure out that it’s not going to be ok.
I agree. This was a fantastic interview but they both seem to think qe are going to come out on top. That is just one component of the multi headed hydra that is attacking humanity. We also have the incoming food shortages.
Australian government/ Pfizer advanced market pact /Jane Halton(Gates foundation, precursor was no jab no play) as covid commission to PM Scott Morrison .UN WEF C19 Trojan horse to facilitate NWO . CCP major Pfizer shareholders , Australia chosen as the UN 21-30 experiment/ CCP Gates social. Credit score control and surveillance . Apparently Morrison was provided 7 billion to divide amongst the state premiers to keep Australia in lockdown , decimate small businesses, democracy & suppress natural immunity..nNote Victorian premier Andrews forced the pandemic bill, to declare a pandemic.whenever he chooses! Pfizer UN WEF government corporation, political puppets have been facilitating fraud, bioterrorism and vax is still mandatory! Justice must be served to all people against this global crime syndicate.. This has been planned for years.
Thanks to everyone for exposing the fraud. .
Thanks for this. I love your discussions with Edward Dowd. You’re both important trailblazing warriors in the fight against the Evil Empire.