Create a new section of KRS Chapter 61 to provide definitions, require each law enforcement agency in the state to establish and enforce policies governing of a vehicle pursuit after January 1, 2021; provide the criteria for decision-making to initiate and terminate a pursuit; allow the adoption model policy, subject to certain criteria and require transmission of adopted policy to Justice Cabinet; provide for penalties for failure to transmit; require written certification that each member of the agency has received a copy of the policy and instruction on the policy; make policy confidential and not a public record; require annual review of policy; allow update of policy at any time, require submission of revised policy to Justice Cabinet; create a new section of KRS Chapter 411 to prohibit elected law enforcement officers from engaging in vehicle pursuit, provide exemptions for certain officers, provide penalty for violation of this section, define "pursuit"; amend KRS 15.440 to require a mandatory eight hours of in-service training in "emergency vehicle operations" annually; amend KRS 61.170 to provide for punishment of elected law enforcement officials engaging in unauthorized pursuit; amend KRS 186.560 to allow suspension of driver's license for fleeing or evading in the second degree; amend 520.100 to enhance penalties for fleeing or evading in the second degree; naming section 1 of the Act "Jill's Law"; Section 3 EFFECTIVE July 1, 2021.