Rep. Derrick Graham


District HD-057
Party Democrat
Bills Introduced 36

Sponsored Legislation

State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2020 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to campaign finance. [HB-111]
Amend KRS 118.125 to require a candidate for constitutional statewide office who files a notification and declaration for elective office, including slates of candidates for Governor and Lieutenant Governor, to submit a copy of his or her previous five years of federal income tax returns with the Registry of Election Finance; provide for written consent for public disclosure of the federal income tax returns; require that the federal income tax returns shall be made available on the registry's Web site when appropriate redaction of personal information (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Derrick Graham Introduced In House on 01/07/2020

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2020 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to wages. [HB-39]
Amend KRS 337.010 to increase the applicable threshold of employees of retail stores and service industries from $95,000 to $500,000 average annual gross volume of sales for the employer; amend KRS 337.275 to raise the state minimum wage to $8.20 per hour on July 1, 2020, $9.15 per hour on July 1, 2021, $10.10 per hour on July 1, 2022, $11 per hour on July 1, 2023, $12.05 per hour on July 1, 2024, $13.10 per hour on July 1, 2025, $13.95 per hour on July 1, 2026, and $15 per hour on July 1, 2027, and to raise the state minimum wage for tipped employees (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Derrick Graham Introduced In House on 01/07/2020

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2020 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to collective bargaining for public employees. [HB-231]
Creates a new section of KRS Chapter 336, relating to collective bargaining for public employees; amend KRS 336.010 to define "public employees"; amend KRS 336.130 to allow employees of the Commonwealth of Kentucky to collectively bargain.


Sponsored by: Rep. Derrick Graham To State Government (h) on 01/13/2020

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2020 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to historical instruction. [HB-9]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 158 to require African history instruction in certain middle and high school world history and civilization courses; require Native American history instruction in certain middle and high school United States history courses; require the Kentucky Board of Education to promulgate administrative regulations establishing academic standards for the required historical instructions; require local school boards to adopt curricula for required instruction; require the Department of Education to collaborate with the Kentucky (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Derrick Graham Introduced In House on 01/07/2020

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2020 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to public charter schools. [HB-25]
Amend KRS 156.095 and KRS 158.4416 to remove references to public charter schools; repeal KRS 160.1590, 160.1591, 160.1592, 160.1593, 160.1594, 160.1595, 160.1596, 160.1597, 160.1598, 160.1599, and 161.141.


Sponsored by: Rep. Derrick Graham Introduced In House on 01/07/2020

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2020 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to medicinal cannabis and making an appropriation therefor. [HB-136]
Create various new sections of KRS Chapter 218A to define terms; to exempt the medicinal marijuana program from existing provisions in Kentucky law to the contrary; to require the Department for Alcoholic Beverage and Cannabis Control to implement and regulate the medicinal marijuana program in Kentucky; to establish the Division of Medicinal Marijuana within the Department of Alcoholic Beverage and Cannabis Control; to establish restrictions on the possession of medicinal marijuana by qualifying patients, visiting patients, and designated caregivers; (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Derrick Graham To Judiciary (s) on 03/02/2020

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2020 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to criminal histories of job applicants. [HB-43]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 344 to prohibit employers from considering or requiring disclosure of prior criminal history as part of the initial job application; title the Act "Ban the Box - The Criminal Record Employment Discrimination Act."


Sponsored by: Rep. Derrick Graham Introduced In House on 01/07/2020

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2020 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to maternal health. [HB-138]
Amend KRS 211.680 to expand the scope of the legislative intent and findings; amend KRS 211.684 and KRS 211.686 to require the existence of the state and local child and maternal fatality review teams; create new sections of KRS Chapter 211 to require licensed health facilities under KRS Chapter 216B to provide each patient with written information regarding the patient's rights; define terms; require health facilities licensed under KRS 216B to implement an evidence-based implicit bias program for all health providers involved in the perinatal (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Derrick Graham Introduced In House on 01/07/2020

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2020 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to the rural hospital tax credit. [HB-42]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 141 to establish the rural hospital organization donation tax credit; amend KRS 141.0205 to order the new tax credit; amend KRS 131.190 to allow reporting by the Department of Revenue.


Sponsored by: Rep. Derrick Graham Introduced In House on 01/07/2020

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2020 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to gang violence. [HB-62]
Amend KRS 506.120 to remove language related to "criminal gang syndicate;" repeal KRS 506.135 relating to definitions, KRS 506.140 relating to criminal gang recruitment, KRS 506.150 relating to criminal gang activity or recruitment, 506.160, relating to minimum service of sentence for defendant acting as a member of a criminal gang, KRS 506.170 relating to enhancement of penalty for conviction for criminal gang-related felonies, KRS 506.180 relating to cause of action by victim of criminal gang incident, and KRS 506.190 relating to criminal gang-related (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Derrick Graham Introduced In House on 01/07/2020

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