AN ACT relating to retirement benefits for state and county employees in hazardous positions. [HB-714]
Create a new section of KRS 16.505 to 16.652 to change the retirement benefits for members participating in the State Police Retirement System (SPRS) or in a hazardous position in either the Kentucky Employees Retirement System (KERS) or County Employees Retirement System (CERS) who are hired after January 1, 2014, but before January 1, 2026, so that, in lieu of continued participation in the hybrid cash balance plan (Tier 3 benefits), these members receive the benefits provided to members in a hazardous position who began participating immediately
HB-714: AN ACT relating to retirement benefits for state and county employees in hazardous positions.
Sponsored by: Rep. Ashley Tackett Laferty
To State Government (h) on 02/27/2025
AN ACT relating to fish and wildlife law enforcement. [HB-767]
Amend KRS 15.519 to make game wardens employed by the Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources subject to the same requirements for entering or accessing private open land as other law enforcement officers; amend KRS 150.090 to conform; amend KRS 235.310 to make boating enforcement officers employed by the Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources subject to the same requirements for entering or accessing private open land as other law enforcement officers.
HB-767: AN ACT relating to fish and wildlife law enforcement.
Sponsored by: Rep. Savannah Maddox
To Tourism & Outdoor Recreation (h) on 02/27/2025
AN ACT relating to the rights of real property owners. [HB-10]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 383 to allow a property owner or his or her authorized agent to request a law enforcement officer immediately remove a person unlawfully occupying real property under certain circumstances; provide criminal and civil immunity to law enforcement officers and property owners acting in good faith; create a civil cause of action for wrongful removal; require the Department of Kentucky State Police to create a form for the petition to remove unlawful occupants; amend KRS 512.010 to define "squatter"; amend KRS 512.020
HB-10: AN ACT relating to the rights of real property owners.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kimberly Moser
Signed By Governor on 03/24/2025
AN ACT relating to crisis aversion and rights retention orders. [SB-235]
Establish KRS Chapter 202D and create new sections thereof relating to crisis aversion and rights retention orders; provide limitations on interpretation of the Act; define terms; allow law enforcement officers to petition a court to issue orders when a respondent presents an immediate and present danger of causing serious physical injury to themselves or others through purchasing, possessing, or receiving a firearm; establish procedures for the filing, review, hearing, service of process, termination, or renewal of the petition and orders; provide
SB-235: AN ACT relating to crisis aversion and rights retention orders.
Sponsored by: Sen. David Yates
To Judiciary (s) on 02/20/2025
AN ACT relating to interrogation of children. [SB-264]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 610 to define terms; prohibit a child from being interrogated using deceptive methods; create a new rule of evidence to limit the admissibility of statements made in the interrogation of a child in violation of statute.
SB-264: AN ACT relating to interrogation of children.
Sponsored by: Sen. Keturah Herron
To Judiciary (s) on 02/20/2025
AN ACT relating to the restoration of Second Amendment rights. [HB-686]
Create new sections of KRS Chapter 237, relating to firearms, to define terms; provide that firearm suppressors manufactured in Kentucky shall not be subject to federal law or regulation; require firearm suppressors manufactured and sold in Kentucky to have the words "Made in Kentucky" clearly stamped on them; prohibit the state and local enforcement of a federal statute, order, rule, or regulation that does not exist under state law and that purports to regulate a firearm suppressor; allow citizens to report evidence of specified state and local
HB-686: AN ACT relating to the restoration of Second Amendment rights.
Sponsored by: Rep. Josh Bray
To Judiciary (h) on 02/26/2025
AN ACT relating to student-athletes and declaring an emergency. [SB-3]
Amend KRS 164.6941 to define terms; amend KRS 164.6943 to allow the limitation of earning compensation through a NIL agreement through an institutional agreement between the student-athlete and the institution or affiliated organization; permit an institution or association to require compensation be consistent with the prevailing range of compensation; amend KRS 164.6945 to conform and authorize a student-athlete to receive compensation from an institution or its affiliated corporation through a written institutional agreement; authorize an institution
SB-3: AN ACT relating to student-athletes and declaring an emergency.
Sponsored by: Sen. George Wise
Signed By Governor (acts Ch. 10) on 03/13/2025
AN ACT relating to the restoration of Second Amendment rights. [HB-667]
Create new sections of KRS Chapter 237, relating to firearms, to define terms; provide that firearms manufactured in Kentucky shall not be subject to federal law or regulation; require firearms manufactured and sold in Kentucky to have the words "Made in Kentucky" clearly stamped on them; prohibit the state and local enforcement of a federal statute, order, rule, or regulation that does not exist under state law and that purports to regulate a firearm; allow citizens to report evidence of specified state and local entities' noncompliance to the
HB-667: AN ACT relating to the restoration of Second Amendment rights.
Sponsored by: Rep. T.J. Roberts
To Judiciary (h) on 02/26/2025
AN ACT relating to vacant and abandoned property. [HB-681]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 61 to allow a law enforcement officer to enter vacant and abandoned property to remove any person unlawfully occupying the property; specify when property shall be presumed vacant and abandoned; provide criminal and civil immunity to a law enforcement officer acting in good faith.
HB-681: AN ACT relating to vacant and abandoned property.
Sponsored by: Rep. Rachel Roarx
To Judiciary (h) on 02/26/2025
SJR-72: A JOINT RESOLUTION directing the Kentucky Office of the Attorney General to create the Threat Response and Accountability Task Force to determine the chain of command and accountability matrix for a critical incident and declaring an emergency.
Sponsored by: Sen. Brandon Smith
To Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (s) on 02/20/2025
You have voted SJR-72: A JOINT RESOLUTION directing the Kentucky Office of the Attorney General to create the Threat Response and Accountability Task Force to determine the chain of command and accountability matrix for a critical incident and declaring an emergency..
AN ACT relating to public safety. [SB-237]
Amend KRS 15.382, relating to peace officer professional standards certification, to provide that a person who has previously been employed as a peace officer in another state and who meets certain criteria, shall not be required to pass a physical agility test; make technical corrections.
SB-237: AN ACT relating to public safety.
Sponsored by: Sen. Danny Carroll
Signed By Governor on 03/24/2025
AN ACT relating to automated license plate readers. [SB-185]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 189 to define terms; establish that automated license plate readers (ALPRs) shall only be used as set forth in this section; ALPRs may be deployed and maintained for the purposes of protecting public safety, conducting criminal investigations, ensuring compliance with law, regulating parking, controlling acess to secured areas, deterring crime and theft, and the Transportation Cabinet's toll collection activities; establish a 90-day data storage limit unless being used for criminal prosecutions or toll collection;
SB-185: AN ACT relating to automated license plate readers.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jimmy Higdon
To Judiciary (s) on 02/19/2025
AN ACT relating to interrogation of children. [HB-516]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 610 to define terms; prohibit a child from being interrogated using deceptive methods; create a new rule of evidence to limit the admissibility of statements made in the interrogation of a child in violation of statute.
HB-516: AN ACT relating to interrogation of children.
Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Donworth
To Judiciary (h) on 02/21/2025
AN ACT relating to education and declaring an emergency. [SB-165]
Create new sections of KRS Chapter 158 to define terms; prohibit a school district, public school, or cooperative board from providing differential treatment or benefits on the basis of an individual's religion, race, sex, color, or national origin; prohibit the Kentucky Department of Education, a school district, a public school, or a cooperative board from expending any resources on diversity, equity, and inclusion; prohibit the department, a school district, a public school, or a cooperative board from soliciting statements on an applicant's
SB-165: AN ACT relating to education and declaring an emergency.
Sponsored by: Sen. Mike Wilson
To Education (s) on 02/18/2025
AN ACT relating to operating a motor vehicle. [HB-496]
Amend KRS 189.292 to define "operating a motor vehicle," "stand-alone electronic device," and "use"; prohibit the use of a personal communication device or stand-alone electronic device while operating a motor vehicle; exempt school bus operators who are instead subject to KRS 281A.205; set forth exceptions; amend KRS 189.294 to provide that persons under 18 years of age shall not use a personal communication device or stand-alone electronic device in any manner while driving; amend KRS 189.990 to set forth penalties; create a new section of KRS
HB-496: AN ACT relating to operating a motor vehicle.
Sponsored by: Rep. Michael Pollock
To Transportation (h) on 02/21/2025
AN ACT relating to law enforcement records. [HB-520]
Amend KRS 61.878, relating to open records, to provide that law enforcement records shall be exempt from public inspection if the disclosure of the information could pose an articulable risk of harm to the law enforcement agency or its investigtion by revealing the identity of informants or witnesses not otherwise known.
HB-520: AN ACT relating to law enforcement records.
Sponsored by: Rep. John Blanton
Delivered To Governor on 03/14/2025
AN ACT relating to telecommunicators. [HB-525]
Amend KRS 15.530 to define terms; amend KRS 15.552 to remove hiring date restriction and allow a fully-trained part-time telecommunicator credit toward the full-time training academy if conditions are met; amend KRS 15.560 to require all part-time telecommunicators to complete telecommunicator overview training within 12 months of the hire date; EFFECTIVE, in part, July 1, 2026.
HB-525: AN ACT relating to telecommunicators.
Sponsored by: Rep. Aaron Thompson
To Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (h) on 02/21/2025
AN ACT relating to motor vehicles. [HB-535]
Amend KRS 186.032 to define "communication disorder"; allow the Transportation Cabinet to promulgate administrative regulations to identify other communication disorders; establish that information may be included in the Kentucky vehicle registration system database indicating that a regular passenger of the vehicle may be deaf or hard of hearing or have a communication disorder.
HB-535: AN ACT relating to motor vehicles.
Sponsored by: Rep. John Blanton
To Transportation (h) on 02/21/2025
AN ACT relating to alcoholic beverage control administrators and investigators. [HB-437]
Amend KRS 241.090, relating to the police powers of state Alcoholic Beverage Control administrators and investigators, to provide that a state administrator shall not have the power to make arrests unless he or she is certified in accordance with KRS 15.380 to 15.404; amend KRS 241.110, relating to the appointment of county Alcoholic Beverage Control administrators and investigators, to provide that a county investigator shall not have the power to make arrests unless he or she is certified in accordance with KRS 15.380 to 15.404; amend KRS 241.170,
HB-437: AN ACT relating to alcoholic beverage control administrators and investigators.
Sponsored by: Rep. Tony Hampton
Posted For Passage For Concurrence In Senate Committee Substitute (1), Floor Amendment (1), And Committee Amendment (1-title) on 03/14/2025
AN ACT relating to motor vehicle racing. [HB-465]
Amend KRS 189.993 to establish enhanced penalties for a violation of KRS 189.505, including increased fines, vehicle impoudment for up to six months for the first offense, and vehicle forfeiture for the second or subsequent offense.
HB-465: AN ACT relating to motor vehicle racing.
Sponsored by: Rep. George Brown
Taken From Judiciary (s) on 03/14/2025