Prisoners; Department of Corrections-issued and jailer-issued identification. Provides that the Department of Corrections shall establish a procedure for securing a government-issued identification card, birth certificate, or Social Security card through the Department of Motor Vehicles and that the Department of Motor Vehicles shall expedite the processing of an application submitted by a prisoner for such government-issued identification card and the issuance of such identification. The bill also requires the Department of Corrections, in coordination with the State Board of Local and Regional Jails, the Department of Motor Vehicles, and the State Registrar of Vital Records, to (i) review the processes involved in assisting a prisoner in applying for and obtaining a government-issued identification card, birth certificate, or Social Security card; (ii) identify any obstacles that may interfere with a prisoner obtaining such identification or documents prior to such prisoner's release or discharge; and (iii) issue a report of its findings and recommendations to the General Assembly no later than November 1, 2024.