Perinatal health care providers; implicit bias training. [HB-538]
Perinatal health care providers; implicit bias training. Requires the Board of Health to amend its regulations to require that each hospital develop and implement policies requiring all perinatal health care providers to complete an in-person and interactive training on implicit bias.
HB-538: Perinatal health care providers; implicit bias training.
Sponsored by: Rep. L. Kaye Kory
Continued To 2023 In Health, Welfare And Institutions By Voice Vote on 02/10/2022
Teachers; required to be compensated at or above national average. [HB-535]
Teacher compensation; at or above national average. Requires that public school teachers be compensated at a rate that is at or above the national average. Under current law, compensation at such rate is aspirational. The bill requires state funding to be provided pursuant to the general appropriation act in a sum sufficient to fund a 4.5 percent annual increase for public school teacher salaries, effective from the 2023-24 school year through the 2027-28 school year. The bill has a delayed effective date of July 1, 2023.
HB-535: Teachers; required to be compensated at or above national average.
Sponsored by: Rep. L. Kaye Kory
Left In Education on 02/15/2022
Statute of limitations; collection of medical debt. [HB-573]
Statute of limitations; contracts for health care services. Provides that the statute of limitations for an action on any contract, written or unwritten, for health care services, including actions brought by the Commonwealth, is three years. The bill further provides that the accrual date for actions on such a contract is 30 days after the later of (i) issuance of the initial invoice or the due date stated in such invoice to the patient or person legally responsible for payment or (ii) if the patient voluntarily enters into a payment plan with
HB-573: Statute of limitations; collection of medical debt.
Sponsored by: Rep. L. Kaye Kory
Vote: (48-y 52-n) on 04/28/2022
Hospices, home care organizations, private providers, etc; immunity from liability. [HB-569]
Hospices, home care organizations, private providers, assisted living facilities, and adult day care centers; immunity from liability. Repeals the provision that a licensed hospice, home care organization, private provider, assisted living facility, or adult day care center that delivers care to or withholds care from a patient, resident, or person receiving services who is diagnosed as being or is believed to be infected with the COVID-19 virus shall not be liable for any injury or wrongful death of such patient, resident, or person receiving services
HB-569: Hospices, home care organizations, private providers, etc; immunity from liability.
Sponsored by: Rep. Nadarius Clark
Stricken From Docket By Courts Of Justice (18-y 0-n) on 01/28/2022
Rent stabilization, local; any locality may by ordinance adopt provisions. [HB-596]
Local rent stabilization authority. Provides that any Local rent stabilization authority. Provides that any locality may by ordinance adopt rent stabilization provisions. The bill provides that no such ordinance shall be adopted until the proposed ordinance has been posted on the locality's website and advertised in a newspaper of general circulation in the locality at least two weeks prior to a public hearing on such ordinance. All landlords who are under rent stabilization may be required to give up to a two-month written notice of a rent increase
HB-596: Rent stabilization, local; any locality may by ordinance adopt provisions.
Sponsored by: Rep. L. Kaye Kory
Left In General Laws on 02/15/2022
Income tax, state and corporate; conversion to employee ownership. [HB-592]
Income tax credit; conversion to employee ownership. Creates a nonrefundable, one-time individual and corporate income tax credit for an eligible business that (i) transfers whole or partial ownership to employees in the form of a worker cooperative, an employee stock ownership plan, an employee ownership trust, an employee equity grant program, or an employee stock purchase plan or (ii) is conducting a feasibility study for a transition to such employee ownership models. The credit is available for taxable years 2022 through 2026, is equal to up
HB-592: Income tax, state and corporate; conversion to employee ownership.
Sponsored by: Rep. Sam Rasoul
Continued To 2023 In Finance By Voice Vote on 01/26/2022
Retail Small Business Grant Program and Fund; created. [HB-476]
Retail Small Business Grant Program and Fund. Establishes the Retail Small Business Grant Program and Fund to support existing Virginia small businesses, attract new businesses, increase the Commonwealth's tax base, create new job opportunities for Virginia residents, and enhance commercial activity in Virginia. The bill provides that an eligible Virginia small business, defined in the bill, is eligible for grants of up to $50,000. The total amount of grants awarded in a fiscal year is capped at $10 million.
HB-476: Retail Small Business Grant Program and Fund; created.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Murphy
Left In Commerce And Energy on 02/15/2022
Electric vehicle charging infrastructure apprenticeship programs; Apprenticeship Council to study. [HJR-71]
Study; Apprenticeship Council; electric vehicle charging infrastructure apprenticeship programs; report. Requests the Virginia Apprenticeship Council to study the need for electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure and maintenance and repair of EV infrastructure apprenticeship programs in the Commonwealth, noting the stated goal of the Commonwealth to reduce carbon emissions intensity across all sectors, including the transportation industry. In conducting its study, the Apprenticeship Council should consider a number of factors in studying the
HJR-71: Electric vehicle charging infrastructure apprenticeship programs; Apprenticeship Council to study.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Murphy
Left In Rules on 02/15/2022