Prescription drug price transparency; penalties. [HB-1559]
Prescription drug price transparency; penalties. Prescription drug price transparency; penalties. Requires pharmaceutical drug manufacturers, pharmacy benefits managers, and health carriers to submit reports containing certain information concerning prescription drug costs to the Commissioner of the Bureau of Insurance (the Commissioner). The measure requires pharmaceutical drug manufacturers' reports to include information on the current wholesale acquisition cost information for FDA-approved drugs sold in or into the Commonwealth by the pharmaceutical
HB-1559: Prescription drug price transparency; penalties.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kenneth Plum
Left In Health, Welfare And Institutions on 12/04/2020
Wage or salary history; inquiries prohibited, civil penalty. [HB-416]
Wage or salary history inquiries prohibited; civil penalty. Prohibits a prospective employer with 25 employees or more from (i) requiring as a condition of employment that a prospective employee provide or disclose the prospective employee's wage or salary history, (ii) attempting to obtain the wage or salary history of a prospective employee from the prospective employee's current or former employers, (iii) requesting a prospective employee to complete an application for employment that includes a question inquiring about the prospective employee's
HB-416: Wage or salary history; inquiries prohibited, civil penalty.
Sponsored by: Rep. Delores McQuinn
Left In Commerce And Labor on 12/04/2020
Cybersecurity Advisory Council; established, report. [HB-322]
Virginia Information Technologies Agency; Cybersecurity Advisory Council created; report. Creates the Cybersecurity Advisory Council to (i) assist the Chief Information Officer (CIO) of the Virginia Information Technologies Agency with the development of policies, standards, and guidelines for assessing security risks, determining appropriate security measures, and performing security audits of government electronic information; (ii) make recommendations to the CIO regarding strategies to strengthen the Commonwealth's cybersecurity; and (iii) analyze
Tree conservation ordinance; Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act locality, designated trees. [HB-221]
Tree conservation ordinance; Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act locality; designated trees. Adds "Chesapeake Bay watershed tree," as defined in the bill, to the types of tree that a locality with a tree conservation ordinance is authorized to designate individually for preservation. Current law allows individual designation of heritage, memorial, specimen, and street trees. The bill contains technical amendments.
HB-221: Tree conservation ordinance; Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act locality, designated trees.
Sponsored by: Rep. Jeion Ward
Left In Agriculture, Chesapeake And Natural Resources on 12/04/2020
Police and court records; expungement of records. [HB-267]
Expungement of police and court records. Provides that a court that enters a nolle prosequi for a criminal charge or dismisses such charge for any reason may, upon motion of the person charged, enter an order requiring the expungement of the police and court records relating to the charge.
HB-267: Police and court records; expungement of records.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Murphy
Left In Courts Of Justice on 12/04/2020
Prescription Drug Affordability Board and Office, etc.; established. [HB-691]
Prescription Drug Affordability Board and Office of the Prescription Drug Affordability Board; established. Establishes the Prescription Drug Affordability Board to study, review, and regulate the cost of prescription drugs in the Commonwealth, in consultation with a stakeholder work group appointed by the Board. The bill also establishes the Office of the Prescription Drug Affordability Board to provide staffing and administrative support to the Board. Prescription Drug Affordability Board and Office of the Prescription Drug Affordability Board;
HB-691: Prescription Drug Affordability Board and Office, etc.; established.
Sponsored by: Sen. Suhas Subramanyam
Left In Health, Welfare And Institutions on 12/04/2020
Students in grades 6, 7, and 8; computer science/introduction to technology course required. [HB-694]
Students in grades six, seven, and eight; computer science or introduction to technology course required. Requires each student in grades six, seven, and eight, starting in the 2025–2026 school year, to complete at least one semester-long or year-long computer science elective course or introduction to technology course that is aligned with the appropriate Standards of Learning and may include the following content: examining systems and resources of technology, solving problems in technology, introducing microcontrollers, exploring the designed
HB-694: Students in grades 6, 7, and 8; computer science/introduction to technology course required.
Sponsored by: Rep. Shelly Simonds
Left In Education on 12/04/2020
Prescription drugs; price transparency. [HB-876]
Prescription drug price transparency. Requires every health carrier, pharmacy benefits manager, wholesale drug distributer, and drug manufacturer to report information about prescription drug prices and related information to the Department of Health and requires the Department to make such information available on its website.
HB-876: Prescription drugs; price transparency.
Sponsored by: Sen. Suhas Subramanyam
Left In Health, Welfare And Institutions on 12/04/2020