Prisoners; Department of Corrections- and jailer-issued identification. [HB-1405]
Prisoners; Department of Corrections-issued and jailer-issued identification. Provides that the Department of Corrections shall establish a procedure for securing a government-issued identification card, birth certificate, or Social Security card through the Department of Motor Vehicles and that the Department of Motor Vehicles shall expedite the processing of an application submitted by a prisoner for such government-issued identification card and the issuance of such identification. The bill also requires the Department of Corrections, in coordination
HB-1405: Prisoners; Department of Corrections- and jailer-issued identification.
Sponsored by: Rep. Shelly Simonds
Left In Finance And Appropriations on 11/19/2024
State correctional facilities; DOC to provide telephone calls and communication services. [SB-378]
State correctional facilities; telephone calls and communication services. Requires the Department of Corrections to provide telephone systems and web-based or electronic communications systems free of charge to any person, whether such person is initiating or receiving the communication. The bill also requires that a minimum ratio of one telephone per every 10 inmates be available within each housing unit at each correctional facility and that the maximum number of telephone numbers permitted on an approved call list must be no fewer than 20.
SB-378: State correctional facilities; DOC to provide telephone calls and communication services.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jennifer Boysko
Left In Finance And Appropriations on 11/19/2024
Correctional facilities; behavioral health services in facilities, report. [HB-988]
Behavioral health services in correctional facilities; report. Requires the Department of Corrections to report to the General Assembly and the Governor on or before October 1 of each year certain population statistics regarding the provision of behavioral health services to persons incarcerated in state correctional facilities. The bill also requires local correctional facilities to report to the State Board of Local and Regional Jails on or before October 1 of each year certain population statistics regarding the provision of behavioral health
HB-988: Correctional facilities; behavioral health services in facilities, report.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jennifer Boysko
Left In Rules on 11/18/2024
Online educational courses; DOC to establish, etc., an educational program for prisoners. [HB-1121]
Department of Corrections; online educational courses. Requires the Director of the Department of Corrections to establish, develop, and implement an educational program with the Online Virginia Network Authority for the purposes of providing a means for prisoners to earn degrees and postsecondary education credentials through accessing online degree and credential programs that are offered by George Mason University, Old Dominion University, James Madison University, and comprehensive community colleges.
HB-1121: Online educational courses; DOC to establish, etc., an educational program for prisoners.
Sponsored by: Rep. Betsy Carr
Left In Public Safety on 11/18/2024
Sanctuary policies; prohibited. [SB-720]
Sanctuary policies prohibited. Provides that no locality shall adopt any ordinance, procedure, or policy intended to restrict the enforcement of federal immigration laws. The bill also requires an official in charge of a correctional facility to transfer custody of certain persons to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement upon receipt of a detainer. Under current law, the official may make such transfer.
SB-720: Sanctuary policies; prohibited.
Sponsored by: Sen. John McGuire
Passed By Indefinitely In Courts Of Justice (9-y 6-n) on 02/07/2024
Restorative housing and isolated confinement; restrictions on use. [SB-719]
Restorative housing and isolated confinement; restrictions on use. Prohibits the use of isolated confinement, defined in the bill, in state correctional facilities, subject to certain exceptions. The bill requires that before placing an incarcerated person in restorative housing or isolated confinement for his own protection, the facility administrator shall place an incarcerated person in a less-restrictive setting, including by transferring such person to another institution or to a special-purpose housing unit for incarcerated persons who face
SB-719: Restorative housing and isolated confinement; restrictions on use.
Sponsored by: Sen. Lamont Bagby
Senate Sustained Governor's Veto on 04/17/2024
Prisoners; Department of Corrections- and jailer-issued identification. [HB-1405]
Prisoners; Department of Corrections-issued and jailer-issued identification. Provides that the Department of Corrections shall establish a procedure for securing a government-issued identification card, birth certificate, or Social Security card through the Department of Motor Vehicles and that the Department of Motor Vehicles shall expedite the processing of an application submitted by a prisoner for such government-issued identification card and the issuance of such identification. The bill also requires the Department of Corrections, in coordination
HB-1405: Prisoners; Department of Corrections- and jailer-issued identification.
Sponsored by: Rep. Shelly Simonds
Continued To 2025 In Finance And Appropriations (15-y 0-n) on 02/28/2024
Juveniles; juvenile correctional centers, eligibility for parole. [SB-449]
Juvenile parole; juvenile correctional centers. Provides that any person sentenced to a term of life imprisonment or who has a cumulative term of active sentences that total more than 20 years, regardless of whether such sentences were imposed during a single sentencing hearing or multiple sentencing hearings, for a single felony offense or multiple felony offenses committed while that person was a juvenile and who has served at least 20 consecutive years of incarceration, including any period of commitment in a juvenile correctional center, shall
SB-449: Juveniles; juvenile correctional centers, eligibility for parole.
Sponsored by: Sen. Dave Marsden
Senate Sustained Governor's Veto on 04/17/2024
Earned sentence credits; inchoate offenses, concurrent and consecutive sentences. [SB-476]
Earned sentence credits; inchoate offenses; concurrent and consecutive sentences. Provides that a person who is convicted of an inchoate offense will earn sentence credits at the same rate as someone who is convicted of the completed offense for certain enumerated offenses. The bill also specifies that the provision in current law providing that a person who has been convicted of certain enumerated offenses may earn a maximum of 4.5 sentence credits for each 30 days served on any sentence for such offenses also applies to any other sentence that
SB-476: Earned sentence credits; inchoate offenses, concurrent and consecutive sentences.
Sponsored by: Sen. Mark Peake
Passed By Indefinitely In Rehabilitation And Social Services (8-y 7-n) on 01/26/2024
Corrections Ombudsman, Office of the Department of; created, annual report. [SB-456]
Office of the Department of Corrections Ombudsman; created. Creates, within the Office of the State Inspector General, the Office of the Department of Corrections Ombudsman (the Office) headed by an Ombudsman who is selected by the State Inspector General. The bill creates the Corrections Oversight Committee (the Committee) made up of four members of the General Assembly, nine nonlegislative citizen members appointed by the Governor, subject to criteria described in the bill, and two nonvoting members, appointed as described in the bill, who monitor
SB-456: Corrections Ombudsman, Office of the Department of; created, annual report.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jennifer Boysko
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0393) on 04/04/2024
Restorative housing and isolated confinement; restrictions on use. [HB-1244]
Restorative housing and isolated confinement; restrictions on use. Prohibits the use of isolated confinement, defined in the bill, in state correctional facilities, subject to certain exceptions. The bill requires that before placing an incarcerated person in restorative housing or isolated confinement for his own protection, the facility administrator shall place an incarcerated person in a less-restrictive setting, including by transferring such person to another institution or to a special-purpose housing unit for incarcerated persons who face
HB-1244: Restorative housing and isolated confinement; restrictions on use.
Sponsored by: Rep. Sam Rasoul
House Sustained Governor's Veto on 04/17/2024
Community corrections alternative program; evaluation and diagnosis to determine eligibility. [HB-1268]
Eligibility for participation in community corrections alternative program; evaluation and diagnosis; referral to the Department of Corrections. Provides that a probation and parole officer may refer a defendant on probation to the Department of Corrections for evaluation and diagnosis to determine eligibility and suitability for participation in the community corrections alternative program prior to the approval of the court. Under current law, such referral may take place with the approval of the court. The bill also makes technical amendments.
HB-1268: Community corrections alternative program; evaluation and diagnosis to determine eligibility.
Sponsored by: Rep. Shelly Simonds
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0650) on 04/08/2024
Enhanced earned sentence credits; eligibility of person convicted of firearm-related offense. [HB-1179]
Enhanced earned sentence credits; exemptions; firearm-related offense; felony conviction while a prisoner. Removes any person convicted of a felony offense involving a firearm from eligibility for enhanced earned sentence credits and restricts any person convicted of a felony for an offense that occurred while a prisoner in a local, state, or community correctional facility from receiving any further earned sentence credits.
HB-1179: Enhanced earned sentence credits; eligibility of person convicted of firearm-related offense.
Sponsored by: Rep. Scott Wyatt
Left In Courts Of Justice on 02/13/2024
Electronic communication systems within state correctional facilities; telephone calls. [HB-801]
Electronic communication systems within state correctional facilities; telephone calls and communication services; lowest available rates. Requires the Department of Corrections to provide telephone systems and web-based or electronic communications systems and that such systems shall be established at the lowest available rates. The maximum number of telephone numbers permitted on an approved call list must be no fewer than 20. Electronic communication systems within state correctional facilities; telephone calls and communication services; lowest
HB-801: Electronic communication systems within state correctional facilities; telephone calls.
Sponsored by: Rep. Sam Rasoul
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0455) on 04/04/2024
Online educational courses; DOC to establish, etc., an educational program for prisoners. [HB-1121]
Department of Corrections; online educational courses. Requires the Director of the Department of Corrections to establish, develop, and implement an educational program with the Online Virginia Network Authority for the purposes of providing a means for prisoners to earn degrees and postsecondary education credentials through accessing online degree and credential programs that are offered by George Mason University, Old Dominion University, James Madison University, and comprehensive community colleges.
HB-1121: Online educational courses; DOC to establish, etc., an educational program for prisoners.
Sponsored by: Rep. Betsy Carr
Continued To 2025 In Public Safety By Voice Vote on 02/02/2024
Prisoners; Department of Corrections- and jailer-issued identification. [HB-1061]
Prisoners; Department of Corrections-issued and jailer-issued identification. Provides that the Department of Corrections may establish a procedure for securing a government-issued identification card, birth certificate, or Social Security card through the Department of Motor Vehicles and that the Department of Motor Vehicles shall expedite the processing of an application submitted by a prisoner for such government-issued identification card and the issuance of such identification. The bill also requires the Department of Corrections, in coordination
HB-1061: Prisoners; Department of Corrections- and jailer-issued identification.
Sponsored by: Rep. Wendell Walker
Incorporated By Public Safety on 02/02/2024
State correctional facilities; DOC to provide telephone calls and communication services. [SB-378]
State correctional facilities; telephone calls and communication services. Requires the Department of Corrections to provide telephone systems and web-based or electronic communications systems free of charge to any person, whether such person is initiating or receiving the communication. The bill also requires that a minimum ratio of one telephone per every 10 inmates be available within each housing unit at each correctional facility and that the maximum number of telephone numbers permitted on an approved call list must be no fewer than 20.
SB-378: State correctional facilities; DOC to provide telephone calls and communication services.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jennifer Boysko
Continued To 2025 In Finance And Appropriations (15-y 0-n) on 01/31/2024
Correctional and juvenile correctional facilities; use of canines, prohibited acts. [HB-726]
Use of canines in correctional and juvenile correctional facilities; prohibited acts. Provides that it is unlawful for any correctional officer or other employee of a state correctional facility or juvenile correctional facility who is permitted to handle canines to use a canine to (i) extract a prisoner from his cell or (ii) intervene in an altercation, fight, or other incident between three or fewer prisoners. The bill provides that the Department of Corrections and the Department of Juvenile Justice shall make public any policies and regulations
HB-726: Correctional and juvenile correctional facilities; use of canines, prohibited acts.
Sponsored by: Rep. Michael Webert
Left In Public Safety on 02/13/2024
Correctional facilities; behavioral health services in facilities, report. [HB-988]
Behavioral health services in correctional facilities; report. Requires the Department of Corrections to report to the General Assembly and the Governor on or before October 1 of each year certain population statistics regarding the provision of behavioral health services to persons incarcerated in state correctional facilities. The bill also requires local correctional facilities to report to the State Board of Local and Regional Jails on or before October 1 of each year certain population statistics regarding the provision of behavioral health
HB-988: Correctional facilities; behavioral health services in facilities, report.
Sponsored by: Rep. Rodney Willett
Continued To 2025 In Rules By Voice Vote on 02/01/2024
Correctional facilities, local; stores and telephone systems, fees. [HB-912]
Stores and telephone systems in local correctional facilities; fees. Provides that the net profits from the operation of stores and telephonic communication systems in local correctional facilities shall be used within each facility respectively for educational, recreational, or medical purposes for the benefit of the inmates to include behavioral health, substance abuse, reentry, and rehabilitative services and may be expended to pay for the training, salaries, and benefits of employees or contractors whose primary job is to provide such programs
HB-912: Correctional facilities, local; stores and telephone systems, fees.
Sponsored by: Rep. Betsy Carr
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0402) on 04/04/2024