Amy Kelly on Just Think Podcast: Combing The Data & Sounding The Alarms

This week, Amy Kelly, COO of Daily Clout and the Program Director for the Pfizer Documents Analysis Project, oversees the approximately 3,250 volunteers who are reviewing, analyzing, and reporting on the court-ordered, FDA-released Pfizer documents, as well as the approximately 350 volunteer attorneys who are identifying legal actions to be taken based on their findings. Amy and the trio discuss some of their findings, issuing the warnings that so many other people should have issued long ago.
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One of the panelist said she didn’t know why they are doing this? I believe Harare believes articles about future science that has been tried is indisputable. So he thinks it’s ready for use and he can alter everyone’s DNA so that he can replace God. That’s what he said his plan is. And to sterilize all humans.. I keep missing the data for ovarian health.
Where can I find the stats on how many children have died from the Covid19 jab?