Adding New Dimensions to “Facing the Beast”: A Brutally Honest Conversation with Naomi Wolf

Naomi Wolf is in the Netherlands, promoting her new book: Facing the Beast, translated into Dutch: Oog in Oog met het Beest. It is her first trip abroad since 2019, one that is accompanied by several kinds of threats. It happened as soon as she published The Pfizer Papers with Amy Kelly – that no mainstream media outlet dears to touch – into a first European language: Dutch. I sat down with her for an interview in a hotel room in Zeist, it turned out to be a lively exchange that shocked us both! I added extra footage for the important topics that we shared, and after an hour it became almost a documentary. Please watch and share! There is is short “After the interview video” to be watched here:…
Naomi Wolf: Arjan Bos
Earth Matters
Arjan Bos founded Earth Matters in 2006. It has been a pioneering media platform since, even in the ‘alternative’ field. He began interviewing Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy form Project Camelot, Richard Dolan and many followed. For over 10 years he organized monthly events with a wide variety of speakers, ecstatic dances, consciousness conferences and more. In 2015 he began the Crowd Power internet tv shows with Martijn van Staveren in which they together explored the UFO phenomenon, the simulation hypothesis, quantum physics and the depth of human power.