34,270 Deaths And Counting, But at 25 Deaths the Government Pulled the 1976 Swine Flu Vaccine

“By the following week I was paralyzed,” said Judy Roberts, who was diagnosed with vaccine-induced guillain-barre syndrome in 1976. Back then, the Swine Flu outbreak had swept the United States and the government urged citizens to “roll up your sleeves, and get a shot of protection,” claiming that the Swine Flu vaccine was “safe, easy to take, and can protect you against flu.” Comparing the timeline of Covid-19 to the 1976 Swine Flu highlights chilling senses of deja vu.
Watch: 60 Minutes Flashback: Exposing 1976 Swine Flu Pandemic Vaccine Injuries
1976 Swine Flu | 2019 SARS-CoV-2 |
In January 1976, Fort Dix recruits come down with cases of respiratory disease. 1 recruit, Private David Lewis collapses and dies after leaving his sick bed and making a forced, five-mile, night march.
On Nov 17th, 2019, 1 death was caused by SARS-CoV-2 in Wuhan, China.
Samples of the virus are sent to CDC, which identifies this as a swine-influenza virus. | On January 23, 2020. The WHO Director-General thanks the People’s Republic of China for “isolating and sequencing the virus very quickly, and has shared that genetic sequence with WHO and the international community.”
Tests failed to achieve suitable antibody levels in children.
Two days later, on January 25, 2020, Corman-Drosten produces Covid-19 PCR Testing Protocol based on in silico (theoretical/computer generated) genetic sequences provided by a lab in China. External peer review reveals 10 major scientific flaws.
(Note: This is on the isolation of the virus from a NATURAL source, and the lack therefore fails Koch’s Postulates. This does not dismiss the illness.)
CDC Director David Sencer cited “strong possibility” of swine flu pandemic & initiated mass vaccination campaign
The other 4 Fort Dix recruits recover without the Swine Flu vaccine.
With 99% of cases and ALL deaths originating in China, and with only 68 cases constituting 1% of cases globally, a public health emergency of international concern is declared on January 30, 2020 by the WHO. Proposals are made, including proposals to “ accelerate the development of vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics,” and to “combat the spread of rumors and misinformation.”
The worldwide transmission was declared a pandemic on March 11, 2020 by the World Health Organization.
Of all cases recorded over 6 months, only 6% of the deaths were purely caused by Covid-19 virus. |
$135 million is presented to President Ford for pandemic planning. | $4.7 trillion committed in Federal Reserve Actions, $5.5 trillion in legislative actions, and $800 billion in administrative actions. |
Public service advertisements urged citizens to “get a shot of protection”. | Public service advertisements urged citizens the vaccine was “safe and effective”, to “get back to normal”, and to “protect loved ones” |
One drug company produced 2 million doses with the wrong viral strain. | Covid-19 vaccines were not tested and scientifically proven to prevent transmission – Jennifer Small, Pfizer director. |
Due to fast-tracked vaccine development, insurance companies are indemnified and refused coverage “in the case of inevitable adverse reactions”. | Pharmaceutical companies are indemnified. The HRSA’s Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) reports a denial rate of 97%. |
Dozens of vaccine recipients were diagnosed with Guillain-Barré syndrome | FDA releases vaccine safety data following a court response, including: death, myocarditis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, anaphylaxis, and more. |
25 people died of vaccine-induced Guillain-Barré syndrome and the government halted the vaccine program on December 16, 1976. | 34,270 people died of the Covid-19 vaccine and 1,517,779 adverse events are reported on CDC’s VAERS database.
The government has not halted the vaccine program. |
Eerily, the context, vaccine rollout, mass-vaccination campaigns, and the government’s response to both pandemics run many parallels. Comparing the 1976 Swine Flu Outbreak vs. Covid-19 timeline, the striking difference really lies in the number of lives harmed.
When 25 deaths of Swine Flu vaccine-induced Guillain-Barré syndrome had been reported, this resulted in the government determining the vaccine no longer beneficial to the public and pulling it from the market. A Midwestern Doctor says, “this vaccine was not safe and I directly know people who developed permanent complications from it that persist to this day, but at the same time, it was much safer than the COVID-19 vaccines.”
VAERS Summary for COVID-19 Vaccines through 2/3/2023.
As of 2/3/2023, 34,270 deaths and 1,517,779 adverse reactions have been reported to VAERS and on top of that, many deleted cases; yet somehow the safety signal has not been triggered and the government has no concern of rising repercussions of the vaccine on American lives.
So what has changed over the last 47 years?
During a 2019 European pandemic think tank, Mr. Marc Ranst detailed how to prepare a pandemic industry using methods and innovations based off of the H1N5 Swine Flu outbreak. This investigative journalist did a brilliant job of distilling the knowledge that this think tank used to promote the business of a pandemic industry.
“One Voice, One Message”
Mr. Ranst highlighted key steps such as how it was critical to get the “One Voice, One Message” right on day one utilizing a non-politician to avoid attacks, as well as being “omnipresent the first day or first few days” to profit off media companies and prevent them from searching for alternative voices.
No Comparisons, Please
Comparisons to previous flus are also not welcome, but hyperfocusing on deaths caused by the specific viral strain is a perfect breeding ground for fear.
Give It A Name
Next, Mr. Ranst discusses how naming of the virus is crucial and straying from the usual nomenclature is part of the pandemic business. The audience giggles and is humored when Mr. Ranst mentioned how he got in trouble with the ambassador of Mexico when the H1N5 virus was named “Mexican Flu”. It makes sense as “Covid-19” sounds a lot more exotic than “SARS-CoV-2”.
Pick Who Gets Vaccinated
He instructs, “Then, you have to pick who gets vaccinated first”. In 5 months, we saw the government widening the door to approve Covid-19 vaccination from the elderly to 12 year old children. In another 12 months, we would see the FDA approve Covid-19 vaccines for infants as young as 6 months old, despite reviewing Pfizer and Moderna fact sheets on increased risks of myo/pericarditis following vaccination. See timeline here.
Celebrity Influence and Endorsements
Then, you use mass celebrity influence to the population because “if this vaccine is so desirable that even the soccer players are this earnest to get the vaccine… okay I can do that”. It had worked great in northern Belgium, but not so well in southern Belgium where “they watched the French media where all kinds of messages were coming across and that was really polluting the vaccination campaign”.
During the 1976 Swine Flu, where 60 Minutes exposed that some celebrity endorsements were never approved and even the celebrities themselves did not get the vaccine! In the current Covid era, we have seen influential people like Michael Phelps, Oprah Winfrey, and Mariah Carey publicly endorse the vaccine.
People Need To Forget History
History is one of the core subjects in grade school… but we never really seem to learn from history, do we? Mr. Ranst shows a graph of public interest on influenza and it peaks during 2009 (H1N5) but drops shortly after and the “interest is scientifically going down”.
Leadership Change Is Good Exercise For Pandemics
“We can always count on them,” Mr. Ranst stated confidently. In this case, they are not just famous celebrities with a mouth, but they are seen as ‘experts’ with an organization underneath them. And if you don’t like what they say, they’re easy, expendable commodities – just reinstate a new leader – as we have seen with the revolving door in leadership positions. And by just “2 or 3” new leaders over time, people will forget.
Make New Conflicting Guidelines
Testing, quarantine, lockdowns, social distancing, and travel restrictions were all not recommended or scientifically proven to be effective deterrents against pandemics, per 2019 WHO Non-pharmaceutical Public Health Measures For Mitigating The Risk And Impact of Epidemic And Pandemic Influenza guidelines. Chatham House suggests to utilize these measures that conflict with the WHO’s guidelines, and we saw them take place in our daily lives early on during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Redefine the Definition
Just a side note… they changed the definition of a vaccine, just like they changed the definition of a pandemic prior to the 2009 H1N5 Swine Flu outbreak!
After: “An influenza pandemic occurs when a new influenza virus appears against which the human population has no immunity, resulting in several, simultaneous epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers of deaths and illness. With the increase in global transport and communications, as well as urbanization and overcrowded conditions, epidemics due the new influenza virus are likely to quickly take hold around the world.”
Likewise, the CDC changed the definition of a vaccine. The new definition no longer states how a vaccine provides immunity against a specific disease.
So, are we ever going to learn from the past and will our government finally stand up for American lives? And what will be done to reconcile the irreparable harm 1.5 million Americans and their families have suffered? Effects of physical, psychological, societal, and economic tragedies will be shouldered by citizens until the government and leadership organizations take responsibility for their actions.
To find out more about “the history, current state, and future of the criminal control of information, corruption of science, and coercion of the public in regards to vaccines”, read California’s Misinformation Epidemic Pt. 1 and California’s Misinformation Epidemic Pt. 2.
One of our country’s most important freedoms is that of free speech.
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