You’ll Never Believe This Japanese COVID + Spike Protein Remedy

The Japanese are known for their health and longevity – but what if one of the key foods they eat for life extension is also the world’s most effective spike protein remedy?
Nattokinase, an enzyme derived from the cheese-like Japanese food “natto,” has caught the interest of the scientific world to combat spike protein. Dr. Peter McCullough, America’s expert in myocarditis and COVID-related injuries, highlighted emerging research on the Japanese compound Nattokinase:
“The most unique feature of nattokinase is that, as a single compound, it possesses multiple cardiovascular disease preventative and alleviating pharmacologic effects… There are no other drugs or drug candidates with multiple pharmacologic properties similar to nattokinase. In addition, nattokinase is a natural product that can be administered orally, has a proven safety profile, is economical to use, and provides distinct advantages over other pharmaceutical products.”
Moreover, Dr. McCullough’s own research on the substance finds nattokinase,
“to be the most compelling and scientifically supported approach to clear Spike protein out of the body via proteolytic degradation.”
With 15% of Americans seeking care for Post-COVID or Post-Vaccine medical illness, and millions more suffering in silence, Dr. Peter McCullough and his team at The Wellness Company designed an optimized Nattokinase-based supplement, Spike Support, to aid in recovery and mitigate the effects of future infections:
- Nattokinase can aid with circulation and dissolve spike protein
- Dandelion for a detoxifying agent and prevent spike protein cellular binding
- Selenium to reduce stress, which aids in helping the body repair itself and recover.
- Black sativa to help facilitate cellular repair
- Green tea extract for added defenses at the cellular level through scavenging for free radicals
- Irish sea moss to help rebuild damaged tissue and muscle
Here is Dr. Jen VanDeWater, PharmD, talking about the benefit of the combination of elements in The Wellness Company’s Spike Support Formula:
According to the Wellness Company, purchasing all the components of the Spike Support Formula would be over $100 – you can save 36% with the unique formulation in The Wellness Company’s Spike Support Formula.
Click here to order the Spike Support Formula today!
That’s so cool. I used to make my own natto, but it’s a lot of work! But now I just take a nattokinase & serrapeptidase supplement a couple of times a week. Yes, everyone should look into taking a nattokinase supplement.
Lumbrokinase is similar to nattokinase… less studied but 30X stronger in fibrolinic activity… I used it do defeat a nasty DVT in a little over 2 months, along with serrapeptase.
Hi what is dvt. Thanks
Deep Vein Thrombosis-
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) occurs when a blood clot (thrombus) forms in one or more of the deep veins in the body, usually in the legs. Deep vein thrombosis can cause leg pain or swelling. Sometimes there are no noticeable symptoms.
Make sure you don’t overuse because its high level of protein can increase the burden on the kidneys, possibly leading to episodes of gout.
Why does the product contain silicon dioxide magnesium stearate..are these ingredients healthy ..i have read numerous articles that they are fillers and mess wit T cells..