DR WOLF EXPLAINS: [WATCH] Dr Naomi Wolf Explains Data Manipulation–Deconstructing The Boston Globe’s COVID-19 Dashboard
October 18, 2021 • by Dr Naomi Wolf
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Dr. Naomi Wolf is A Rhodes Scholar, former advisor to Clinton and Gore campaigns, and author of eight NYT nonfiction bestsellers, Dr. Naomi Wolf has been creating globally influential opinions for 28 years. She is the CEO of DailyClout.io.
The falseness of all the data has been pointed out since the beginning of the alleged pandemic, but the voices have been sidelined or silenced by the media. The falseness of the PCR test has been reported by the NYT itself. Don’t apologize for being nerdy, because that is how science works, the details of the data are everything. As you said, “garbage in, garbage out” (GIGO) is still a fundamental law of programming. This is all an intentional and concerted effort to mislead the public by the world elites, who have been openly supremacist, malthusian and genocidal. For more background on the identity and nature of the elites, see Matthew Ehret of Rising Tide Foundation and Strategic Culture Foundation, the Round Table, Rhodes and Fabian societies of England, and alternative historians Webster G. Tarpley, Anton Chaitkin and Lyndon Larouche. Also it is well known that all republics of history have collapsed within 250 years from over-extension and resource exhaustion (see Joseph Ellis “The End Of Kings”.). Also note what is called the Late Bronze Age Collapse, around 1200 BC where an extensive network of highly developed middle eastern civilisations collapsed into obscurity for mysterious reasons, before re-emerging into the period of classic antiquity 1000 years later, showing that major societal collapses can and have happened, even at their moments of highest extension and interdependence. Our society may be no exception to this rule. America was founded on humanist theorizing about an ideal society, but there was never a guarantee that it would survive for long. and Americanism may simply have run its course. As America exploited a lucky moment of history,, displacing the elites and monarchs of Europe, so the elites are now exploiting the historical moment of America’s weakening to bring her down and restore their dominance. Also I should mention from the realm of Christian prophecy, there has been a great deal of communication from God, yes, in recent decades about the much more difficult times now coming upon us, foretold by many messengers of His, and even in the Bible itself (books of Matthew 24, Daniel, Revelation). This divine communication is giving important detail and context for the big picture of what is happening in the world, and assurance that God is present and in ultimate control of events. For a selection of contemporary Christian prophetic messaging, see 444prophecynews.com, z3news.com, afterthewarning.com, the Masters Voice wordpress blog,, Prophecy Club, and Elijah List .com (among many other sites and YouTube channels). The faith aspect may be beyond the interests of some researchers, but I include it for other readers. There will be a great need for divine presence and guidance in the terrible times very quickly coming upon us.
About to get fired form Ford Motor Company because of mandate. Tried to get exempt but Ford is dragging their feet until the last minute to answer acceptance or denied. I have natural immunity that is not excepted! Now what?
Union worker and Ford Credit exempted!!! I’m a salary working in development.
Ford signed a federal contract for $8.6 billion ( another coincidence , requires mandatory vaccination ).
Dr Wolf recently interviewed Jennin Younes the NCLA attorney who won a case for a professor that, like you, has natural immunity and was still told to make a choice. The professor won his case, and is still employed after having shown active immunity. Obviously we are not able to give any medical or legal advice, but this interview might help give you more information.
Excellent presentation. Worth spreading around.
The falseness of all the data has been pointed out since the beginning of the alleged pandemic, but the voices have been sidelined or silenced by the media. The falseness of the PCR test has been reported by the NYT itself. Don’t apologize for being nerdy, because that is how science works, the details of the data are everything. As you said, “garbage in, garbage out” (GIGO) is still a fundamental law of programming. This is all an intentional and concerted effort to mislead the public by the world elites, who have been openly supremacist, malthusian and genocidal. For more background on the identity and nature of the elites, see Matthew Ehret of Rising Tide Foundation and Strategic Culture Foundation, the Round Table, Rhodes and Fabian societies of England, and alternative historians Webster G. Tarpley, Anton Chaitkin and Lyndon Larouche. Also it is well known that all republics of history have collapsed within 250 years from over-extension and resource exhaustion (see Joseph Ellis “The End Of Kings”.). Also note what is called the Late Bronze Age Collapse, around 1200 BC where an extensive network of highly developed middle eastern civilisations collapsed into obscurity for mysterious reasons, before re-emerging into the period of classic antiquity 1000 years later, showing that major societal collapses can and have happened, even at their moments of highest extension and interdependence. Our society may be no exception to this rule. America was founded on humanist theorizing about an ideal society, but there was never a guarantee that it would survive for long. and Americanism may simply have run its course. As America exploited a lucky moment of history,, displacing the elites and monarchs of Europe, so the elites are now exploiting the historical moment of America’s weakening to bring her down and restore their dominance. Also I should mention from the realm of Christian prophecy, there has been a great deal of communication from God, yes, in recent decades about the much more difficult times now coming upon us, foretold by many messengers of His, and even in the Bible itself (books of Matthew 24, Daniel, Revelation). This divine communication is giving important detail and context for the big picture of what is happening in the world, and assurance that God is present and in ultimate control of events. For a selection of contemporary Christian prophetic messaging, see 444prophecynews.com, z3news.com, afterthewarning.com, the Masters Voice wordpress blog,, Prophecy Club, and Elijah List .com (among many other sites and YouTube channels). The faith aspect may be beyond the interests of some researchers, but I include it for other readers. There will be a great need for divine presence and guidance in the terrible times very quickly coming upon us.
About to get fired form Ford Motor Company because of mandate. Tried to get exempt but Ford is dragging their feet until the last minute to answer acceptance or denied. I have natural immunity that is not excepted! Now what?
Union worker and Ford Credit exempted!!! I’m a salary working in development.
Ford signed a federal contract for $8.6 billion ( another coincidence , requires mandatory vaccination ).
Any guidance?
Dr Wolf recently interviewed Jennin Younes the NCLA attorney who won a case for a professor that, like you, has natural immunity and was still told to make a choice. The professor won his case, and is still employed after having shown active immunity. Obviously we are not able to give any medical or legal advice, but this interview might help give you more information.