The Dartmouth Roundtable – An Opportunity for Action

Guest Post by: Christopher Dreisbach
Faced with the prospect of permanent disability as a result of a severe adverse reaction to his COVID vaccination, from his hospital bed, Christopher Dreisbach began researching legal recourse for a COVID vaccine injured. Upon learning that financial remedies are almost non-existent as compared to those established for almost every other common vaccination (e.g., MMR, flu, hepatitis, etc.), he immediately began advocating for legislative reform at the Federal level. Over the past two years, his efforts have naturally expanded to other issues surrounding the COVID vaccines, including the ongoing imposition of vaccine mandates at colleges across the country.
To Supporters of No College Mandates:
Any reader of this Substack well knows that COVID vaccines do not stop transmission, natural immunity is widespread and robust, and college-aged students have a near-zero risk of serious illness or death from the virus. Of course, this raises the question, how can so many colleges across the nation possibly continue to justify their nonsensical vaccine mandate policies? More importantly, what can be done to force them to articulate a justification?
Disappointed with our alma mater’s inability to publicly articulate a plausible rationale for its ongoing mandate, Michael Koss and I founded Concerned Alumni of Dartmouth College with the intention to bring together likeminded alums to press the issue, to literally bring the debate to the College’s doorstep.
Concerned Alumni of Dartmouth College is hosting “College Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates – Scientific, Ethical, and Legal Considerations: A Roundtable Discussion and Dinner Event” at the Dartmouth-owned Hanover Inn on April 26, 2023. The discussion will feature a panel of thought-leaders in epidemiology, medicine, civil liberties, and clinical data acquisition and analysis, including Dr. Martin Kulldorff (co-author, Great Barrington Declaration), Dr. Asseem Malhotra (UK Cardiologist, joining us remotely), Dr. Joel Wallskog (co-founder, React19), Todd Zywicki, ’88 (professor, George Mason University Antonin Scalia Law School), Brook Jackson (clinical trial expert and whistleblower) and Dr. Sandy Reider (founding member, Physicians for Informed Consent). The roundtable is free to the entire community with advance registration and will be live-streamed via The Epoch Times and CHD TV.
We have invited Dartmouth to provide three representatives who can discuss its vaccination mandates. We requested a response from the College by March 14. Thus far, the College has declined the opportunity.
Following the discussion will be a fundraiser dinner with keynote speaker Aaron Siri, Esq. (“Why College Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates are Illiberal”). All proceeds will benefit React19, a nonprofit dedicated solely to supporting the COVID vaccine injured. Currently volunteering as React19’s Legal Affairs Director, I can personally attest to how desperately these funds are needed to ensure the organization’s ongoing success.
To be clear, this is not just about Dartmouth, but rather every college that continues to impose baseless mandates. For that reason, we call on you to participate, either by attending in person, or by sponsoring a student to attend the dinner in your place. For every student dinner ticket donated, we will display your alma mater’s pennant prominently during the event to indicate your support. Our intention is to send a clear message – while alumni and parents around the country care deeply about our schools – we demand they prove themselves worthy of our affections and our support. Dropping their nonsensical and ethically devoid vaccine mandates is a simple step to accomplish that worthy goal.
While this is an issue for academia, it is far from academic for me. Prior to receiving my COVID-19 vaccination, I was a healthy practicing attorney. As a result of a severe adverse autoimmune reaction to my vaccination, I have been diagnosed with Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP), a debilitating condition that I will live with for the rest of my life. I have been hospitalized locally and treated by the Cleveland Clinic, Johns Hopkins, and Penn – and yet I have found no significant relief from electrical shock sensations throughout my body, muscle spasms, extreme fatigue, and significant challenges to my mental recall and focus. My life, and my family’s, will never be the same.
You can only imagine my anger to hear Dr. Deborah Birx casually note that she knew from the beginning that the vaccines would not stop transmission. To be clear, based on my age and relative fitness at the time, I only took the vaccine to stop transmission, to keep my parents safe. To learn I took risk, without reward, is infuriating.
One of my greatest comforts remains that this happened to me, not my kids. For children and young adults to take risk, without reward, is unconscionable. My kids are in elementary school, but if they were forced to choose between the college of their dreams and taking a needless risk that could devastate their future health, I would be beside myself.
This injustice simply can’t continue. Thus, we respectfully ask that you join our efforts, support our roundtable, force the issue. Let this event be the final straw that breaks the college mandate’s back.
Thank you sincerely for your consideration,
Christopher Dreisbach
For more information on the event, please see:
For more information on React19, please see:
To donate directly, text the word “dartmouth” to 50155