Take Action For Freedom on March 7th! Floridians for Medical Freedom
On Mar. 7, we need all hands on deck, at the Capitol in Tallahassee! I would very much like to meet you there! (Leaving from St. John’s? Let’s drive together.)
We’re going to walk the halls and talk to legislators, asking them to co-sponsor or and vote YES on “The Protection of Medical Freedom Act.”
Please come! This bill would close all the loopholes. Let’s be part of stopping vaccination discrimination.
Please write your State House Rep and your State Senator, and the committee chairs in the P.S. below–to ask that they support civil rights bills SB222 and HB 305, the Protection of Medical Freedom Act.
This is a simple request, to add language to keep any Florida entity, including employers, from denying opportunities to anyone based on their vaccination or immunity status.
Any vaccination. Not just the covid vax.
All we’re asking is for a revision of a 1992 civil rights law. We need the Florida legislature to actually bring it to committee. Without public support, this action has little chance and the special session protections put into place expire in June of this year!
As you know, many medical institutions who received big payouts from Pharma/government, to support the covid vaccine agenda before it even rolled out, discriminated against Floridians since 2020. That’s who we are up against.
More importantly (since they’re already tracking who is vaxed and who isn’t, and opting out tells them your child isn’t vaxed) – the bill will make the unvaccinated a protected class—protected from violations of our civil rights.
While I also recommend writing a personalized email to your House Rep and Senator, and the committee chairs I ask you to write, are in the P.S. below–
This one-click letter campaign is easy, will take 60 seconds of your time as the letter is already written for you. The software pulls YOUR Rep and Senator, and automatically emails them.
Thank you, see you March 7 at the Capitol! I’ll be there with every other freedom warrior in the state—from 11 am to 3:30 pm. So, there’s plenty of time for you to drive in! I’ll see you there! Grab a few friends and carpool!
Let’s walk around together talking to our legislators! Please forward this email to every Floridian you know who cares about creating true medical freedom.