Original article SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — South Korea’s previous defense minister was stopped from attempting suicide while in detention over last week’s martial law declaration, officials said Wednesday, as President Yoon Suk Yeol’s office resisted a police attempt to search the compound. The main liberal opposition Democratic Party is pushing for […]
“Mind Control Experiments on Kids: Drug addicted, Depressed, Suicidal by Design” w/ Eric Meder
“Eric Meder joins the program to discuss his critical thinking education for kids and young adults, After School Talks. His groundbreaking program helps kids and young adults navigate the woke left and woke right mind fields. He shares practical advice to equip the entire family better as the attacks on […]
ICAN: New V-Safe Analysis Reveals Over Ten Thousand Reports of Depression or Anxiety After COVID-19 Vaccination
While heart conditions and other physical adverse reactions to the COVID-19 vaccines have been well publicized, psychiatric adverse reactions have mostly flown under the radar (or, perhaps, have been swept under the rug). Recently, however, a study found a significant connection between certain mental disorders and COVID-19 vaccination, including anxiety and depression. […]
Assisted Suicide for BABIES Demanded by Quebec College of Physicians
I apologize for using the oxymoronic term “assisted suicide for babies” in the title. An infant is not self-aware and cannot “commit suicide.” Infants want to live, eat, and be held by their parents. And yet, the Quebec College of Physicians wants to expand the Canadian “Medical Assistance in Dying” […]
Rate of U.S. Kids Attempting Suicide by Overdose Rose During Pandemic
FRIDAY, April 21, 2023 — The number of kids who attempted suicide using over-the-counter or easily accessible medications is up sharply, a new study shows. This research spotlights a pediatric mental health crisis, said researchers from the University of Virginia Health System, who reviewed data on reported suicide attempts that […]
“Corona Fascism”
The Cancellation and Suicide of one of Germany’s Greatest Musicians Note: The following essay by John Leake is the second in his series about censorship. For decades it’s been a common practice to compare bad, authoritarian, or disliked politicians to Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party. Few of these comparisons […]
Could Canada Expand ‘Assisted Suicide’ to the Mentally Ill?
In this video, Associate Editor Kate Melgoza discusses Canada’s new bill C-7, which expands eligibility of assisted suicide to those without reasonably foreseeable death times and to the mentally ill. This begs the questions: “What is informed consent?” and “What happened to ‘do no harm’?” Read More […]