“Dario and Shujen Politella visited their 6-year-old son’s public school two days before a COVID-19 vaccination clinic was offered to ensure he would not be vaccinated. Despite assurances that he would be safe, their son was given a different child’s name tag and was administered a shot, over his repeated […]
“COVID Vaccine Makers Get Another Free Pass as Biden Administration Extends Liability Shield Through 2029”
This article originally appeared on The Defender The extension comes amid growing calls for the vaccines to be paused or pulled from the market. Guest post by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D. This is the 12th extension of the liability shield for COVID-19 countermeasures since January 2020, when HHS declared a public health emergency […]
Exclusive: VACCINE INJURED? What to Do Next.
Overview of Current COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Case Law, Plus Resources for the Vaccine Injured INTRODUCTION As of June 2024, over 270 million Americans have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. (Our World in Data, 2024) Unfortunately, individuals who have experienced adverse effects from the vaccine or have […]
“Possibly The Most Important COVID-19 Lawsuit Was Just Filed Against The Government”
Originally published on Substack A novel lawsuit takes a bite at the apple in hopes of striking down the blanket immunity granted to pharmaceutical companies during COVID-19, whose products left countless Americans injured or dead. Buckle up. Perhaps the most important lawsuit was just filed against the PREP Act and […]
“NC Court Rules Federal PREP Act Protects Forced Vaccination Without Parental Consent”
A North Carolina Court of Appeals found that a clinic, where personnel gave a 14-year-old boy a COVID-19 shot without his consent or parental consent, was protected by the PREP Act By Carolyn Hendler, JD April 8, 2024 A North Carolina Court of Appeals found that a clinic, where personnel […]
“Perverse Incentives”
I. Introduction We live in a world awash in perverse incentives. A perverse incentive is when the rules, structures, or practices of any system reward bad behavior or sociopathic outcomes. I had to come up with my own definition because all of the official definitions claim that perverse incentives are unintended. […]
Report 96: mRNA COVID-19 Shots – ‘Vaccines’ or Gene Therapy Products? – Part 2
When considering a drug for emergency use authorization (EUA), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) selects an internal advisory committee to review information and data submitted to the FDA by the pharmaceutical company about its new drug. These influential FDA advisory committees, based on that information and data, make recommendations […]
ICAN Attorneys File Major Lawsuit to Strike Down Portions of the PREP Act
ICAN is excited to announce that it is supporting a lawsuit that was filed today by ICAN’s attorneys to strike down the immunity to liability and the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) provisions of the PREP Act because they violate the constitutional rights of those injured or killed by a COVID-19 vaccine. As ICAN […]
Why Has the PREP Act Been Amended 11 Times to Accommodate COVID-19?
What is the PREP Act? The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act (PREPA) was signed into law by George Double-ya in 2005 as a tort liability shield intended to protect vaccine manufacturers from financial risk in the event of a declared public health emergency. Now, I don’t even know where […]
The BIG Announcement We Have Been Waiting to Make
EcoHealth Alliance, Peter Daszak, Janet Daszak, Ralph Baric, et al. are being sued. It’s a toxic tort lawsuit for exposing others to a toxic substance, i.e., in this case, SARS-CoV-2. There will be no PREP Act protections for these people and entities, because the suit is about the virus, not […]