In this video, Project Director Amy Kelly delves into findings so far on male fertility post-mRNA vaccine. As well as effecting sperm count and quality, reproductive toxicity in men was not tested. “Anti-sperm antibodies” from the mRNA is an adverse event following vaccination that treats sperm as “invaders,” and attacks […]
Dr. Naomi Wolf CENSORED! Again!
It is people like Wolf who over a decade ago opened our eyes & have been targeted! Etana Hecht has compiled this piece I find thrilling and succinct and worth the read! Documents incredible research and reporting by her and the Daily Clout/Warroom Posse team. People running around pimping off […]
CENSORED: The Injustice of What’s Been Done to Millions of Women must be Answered For
Dr. Naomi Wolf warned the world 14 years ago. She’s been proven correct -with firsthand experience. The Final Tweet Dr. Naomi Wolf and the work her team has done have been featured in many of these pages, with a focus on the incredible research and reporting by her and […]
Raising the Red Flags: Dr. Naomi Wolf and Mr. Steve Bannon Connect the Vaccine Dots
Dr. Naomi Wolf, Steve Bannon, The Warroom Posse, and the DailyClout team have been on fire. Dr. Wolf has been featured on Warroom every day this week, and with each appearance, she brings more information that answers some questions while raising others. Details about the web woven between US Federal health […]