Dr. Peter McCullough, outspoken critic of COVID-19 mandates and jabs, uncovered an alarming scientific study coming from the Chinese researchers Quan Zhang et al. titled: “An oral vaccine for SARS-CoV-2 RBD mRNA-bovine milk-derived exosomes induces a neutralizing antibody response in vivo.” As someone who treated myocarditis patients on the […]
People are Dying in their Sleep. What is Really Happening? – Dr. Peter McCullough
Dr. Peter McCullough has been sounding the alarm on mRNA vaccines from the beginning. A renowned cardiologist, medical journal editor and Senate witness, Dr. McCullough has been warning that mRNA vaccines have significant side effects, including myocarditis since the onset of vaccination. Most significantly, the vaccines have the potential to […]
The COVID and Spike Protein Detox Fauci Doesn’t Want You to Know About
While Fauci has been lining the pockets of pharmaceutical companies, peddling dangerous mRNA vaccines, Dr. Peter McCullough has been hard at work determining safe, scientific ways to combat the effects of spike protein. As the nation’s preeminent cardiologist, Dr. McCullough continues to research what are – and what are not […]
Pharma Exec Privately Admits Dangers of Vaccine to Rand Paul – What You Can Do to Keep Your Family Safe
In a shocking revelation during a Senate hearing, Senator Rand Paul told a Moderna executive that her boss privately admitted to him that their COVID-19 vaccine led to an increase of myocarditis. This tragic fact, which Dr. Peter McCullough and his colleagues at the Wellness Company have warned us […]
Dr. Peter McCullough on Counteracting Spike Protein through Vaccine Detoxification with Nattokinase
Dr. Peter McCullough has been a voice of reason in a broken healthcare system, crazed with COVID hysteria. As a global leader in his field, Dr. McCullough – internist and cardiologist – has worked tirelessly to educate us all on the science behind COVID and the vaccines, all while being […]
#LetDoctorsBeDoctors: Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Pierre Kory Under Fire
#LetDoctorsBeDoctors: Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Pierre Kory Under Fire “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.” Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Pierre […]