Support our Lawsuit Against FDA for Betraying Public Trust

Support our Lawsuit Against FDA for Betraying Public Trust
DailyClout has partnered with Health Freedom Defense Fund to ensure that aggressive legal action is taken against those pushing dangerous and unnecessary COVID-19 shots on our young children and babies.
The WarRoom/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Research Volunteers, a group of 3000 experts ranging from physicians to biostatisticians to research scientists and medical fraud investigators and more, have discovered grave dangers associated with Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine in Pfizer’s own internal clinical trial documents released under court order. The risks uncovered span a vast spectrum of injuries, including death.
The clinical trial documents portray inordinately high rates of myocarditis, Lipid Nanoparticles from the injections accumulating in and affecting the liver, damage to female reproductive systems, damage to babies, and more. Furthermore, recent research published in the journal Andrology determined Pfizer’s COVID injection reduced sperm concentration.
Even a casual review of the Pfizer documents and data would concern any rational person of integrity with regard to the safety of the mRNA vaccines. And yet, FDA and Big Pharma are charging ahead with plans to peddle these dangerous and unnecessary shots to millions of unsuspecting American parents and their children, including six-month old babies.
While federal data demonstrates that COVID-19 presents less of a threat to healthy children than the seasonal flu, FDA has recommended the Pfizer and Moderna shots for children under 5, failing to follow the science.
FDA is obliged to study this issue closely and to assure the American people that these shots are efficacious for small children and babies. Yet they have failed to do so.
Pfizer and Moderna are required to prove that COVID-19 injections are safe for children but data shows they expose children to unnecessary and serious risk.
We would have preferred that FDA stay true to its mission to protect public health and exercise extreme caution in its decision to authorize these jabs for children, but the simple truth is, they have deserted our children.
They have forsaken our most precious and vulnerable, so we will take legal action to stop them. We ask that you support us in this pursuit of truth, science, and justice.
What will you do about the people who were killed by Remdesifir n ventilation????
Yes what about the remdesivir? my mom 73 years old went to hospital for covid back in Dec. 2021 when she was admitted she asked for hydrochloriquin and ivermectin, the evil doctor told her that’s not the protocol and started giving her remdesivir and 3 days later she’s in ICU for two weeks almost lost her twice I called and demanded they take her off remdesivir, they did and she survived thank the good Lord, my sisters and I after she was stable walked in the hospital and took her home where she semi recovered. My mom was as healthy as Donald Trump before remdesivir, now to this day still has to be on oxygen a couple times a day, she almost lost all her hair, and had afib but we reversed it with rest and oxygen and blood thinners. When will something be done to the doctors who prescribe
THese mandates and the. Arguments for safety must stop.
Am not a lawyer, but think our legal teams and article writers weaken their cases too much by shying away from brutal facts such as the following:
___(a) Covid Shots are INTENDED to INJURE/KILL (see ref.#1)
___(b) Illegal overreaches against “we the people”(like those to be litigated here) are being justified by Public Health Measures that impose HUMAN RESEARCH on the AMERICAN PUBLIC (eg, experimental lockdowns, experimental gene therapies, experimental suspension of Hippocratic Oath, experimental insertion of bureaucrats between doctors and patients, etc) IN VIOLATION of FEDERAL LAW (eg, Administrative Procedure Act, National Research Act, Belmont Report, etc) that requires the Empanelment of Institutional Review Boards, of Non-Conflicted Experts, to Approve/Disapprove all proposed HUMAN RESEARCH.
Basically the foundation being used to justify all of this evil, including the items to be litigated here, is clearly illegal and some legal team must attack and destroy it, because otherwise, it will keep encouraging more and more of the same evils.
CHILD MURDER obligates us to be brutally honest and go for the jugular.
ref.#1 = (01:48-02:50 murder of 5-year-olds, 6:46-19:25 some key overviews) = (50:15, Martin)
___Short “bioweapon” segment = 14:37-15:00 (0:23 total)
___Long “bioweapon” segment = 11:32-15:00 (3:28 total)
NOTE = Briefer — who runs a worldwide innovation monitoring company (highly-rated by Wall Street) with deep access/insights into patents, who funded what/when, etc – is thus considered credible.