Republicans Push Back Against Accord Giving WHO Power Over US Pandemic Response

Legal experts question whether Senate approval is necessary

As member states of the World Health Organization (WHO) prepare to gather in Switzerland next week to negotiate final terms of an accord that will give the WHO centralized authority over U.S. policy in the case of a pandemic, Republican senators are pushing back with an effort to reinforce congressional power to authorize treaties.
The draft accord, which would be “legally binding” on all 194 member nations, gives the WHO the authority to declare pandemics and submits member countries to “the central role of the WHO as the directing and coordinating authority on international health work,” in areas like lockdowns, treatments, medical supply chains, surveillance, and “disinformation and false news,” once a pandemic is declared.
Seventeen U.S. senators, led by Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), introduced the “No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act” on Feb 15, which states that the pandemic accord must be deemed a treaty, thus requiring the consent of a supermajority of the Senate, which is two-thirds, or 67 senators. The legislation comes as the WHO gears up to present what it calls the “zero draft” of the accord, negotiated with the help of U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra, to all member nations on Feb. 27 to agree final terms.
Other sponsors of the bill included Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), Bill Hagerty (R-Tenn.), John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), Mike Lee (R-Utah), Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), Rick Scott (R-Fla.), John Hoeven (R-N.D.), Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Steve Daines (R-Mont.), Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), Mike Braun (R-Ind.), Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.), Roger Marshall (R-Kan.), and Katie Britt (R-Ala.).
“The WHO, along with our federal health agencies, failed miserably in their response to COVID-19,” Sen. Johnson stated. “This failure should not be rewarded with a new international treaty that would increase the WHO’s power at the expense of American sovereignty.”
But some doubt this bill, even if approved, will stop the WHO accord from going into effect once President Joe Biden signs it.
“With all due respect to the sponsoring senators, that will not do the trick,” Francis Boyle, professor of international law at Illinois University, told The Epoch Times. The reason, he said, is that the WHO accord is drafted specifically to circumvent the Senate-approval process, and Congress instead should immediately withhold its yearly contributions to the WHO and take the United States out of the organization.
Currently, the United States is the largest contributor to the WHO’s $6.72 billion budget, of which $1.25 billion is for “health emergencies.” The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is the second largest donor to the WHO, contributing 9 percent of its budget in 2021; China is the third.
Will Biden Need Senate Approval for WHO Accord?
Read More at The Epoch Times
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This smacks of global population control by Bill Gates.
This is not a Treaty.
It’s a Constitutional Amendment.
Anyone who’s the least bit familiar my widely distributed comments should know that modern American so-called “evidence-based” medicine is still mostly just ‘dark-ages blood letting and potions,’ with the three leading causes of premature US mortality actually being deliberately (since 1935; AMA?) undiagnosed long-term chronic nearly subclinical non-IgE-mediated food allergies, deliberately FDA approved harmful food poisoning for profits (namely added MSG and soy; others) and severely excessive related/resultant medical errors. And, it would take a constitutional amendment to get me to submit to any authority but myself on my again Rx free non-covid vaccinated relative wellness, at age 79 in 2023. There is exactly one word which adequately describes any Americans giving the WHO centralized authority over any U.S. policy, especially health, without a constitutional amendment; treason (anything that injures the majority inherently ‘aids and comforts’ our real enemies, most of whom are domestic these days). And, any ‘treaty’ can still be challenged on the grounds of it’s “…Pursuance thereof…” (including the Founder’s statements of intention, principle, purpose and spirit in the Preamble to the US Constitution); Article VI, Clause 2.
I want us all put on the streets. I do not know how to
Make this happen but now is the time.
People need to Unite stand strong against what may happen to the American People. We all need to Unite and say No!! 2 hYearsclater I still see people wearing Masks.. Fear based of course. People wake Up Stand Up for Freedom!! We must say NO.