Report 62: Acute Kidney Injury and Acute Renal Failure Following Pfizer mRNA COVID Vaccination. 33% of Patients Died. Pfizer Concludes, “No New Safety Issue.”

The War Room/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysis Project Post-Marketing Group (Team 1) – Joseph Gehrett, MD; Barbara Gehrett, MD; Chris Flowers, MD; and Loree Britt – produced an alarming review of the Renal (Kidney) System Organ Class (SOC) adverse events found in Pfizer document 5.3.6 Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Event Reports of PF-07302048 (BNT162B2) Received Through 28-FEB-2021 (a.k.a., “5.3.6“). This SOC includes acute kidney injury and acute renal failure.
It is important to note that the adverse events (AEs) in the 5.3.6 document were reported to Pfizer for only a 90-day period starting on December 1, 2020, the date of the United Kingdom’s public rollout of Pfizer’s COVID-19 experimental mRNA “vaccine” product.
Key points in this report include:
- 69 patients, including one infant, suffered acute kidney injury or acute renal failure. The vaccine was not authorized for infants during this time.
- Pfizer’s renal adverse event reports screen only for the most severe damage but miss important, less severe kidney damage. Thus, Pfizer’s post-marketing kidney adverse events are likely significantly underreported.
- Half of the severe renal adverse events were reported within four days of vaccination.
- 67% of kidney adverse event patients were women, and 33% were men.
- The very short range of latency shows the severity of the damage in this SOC.
- Pfizer reported that surveillance would continue for this SOC, yet no information on subsequent surveillance has been publicly released to date.
Post Marketing Renal AESI micro report
People are dying early from Amyloid in the heart because Pfizar will not lower their price for drugs that can slow down the Amyloid so people do not have to morgage their homes to pay over $200 000 because the drugs are not on the PBS in Australia it is a disgrace Phizer
The link to the original data for this report is broken.
Thanks for your work!