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vaccine lack of efficacy

April 12, 2022

Pfizer Failed to Inform Us About These Vaccine Health Risks

Hindsight has finally arrived, and while still very murky, the fog of Covid is beginning to clear. As a flood of Pfizer documents is released from the FDA, we’ll learn in more detail how 2021 unfolded, who knew what when, and how harmful the vaccines actually are. The DailyClout/WarRoom Pfizer …

members of congress signatures

April 12, 2022

Congress Members Bill Posey, Vicky Hartzler, Thomas Massie, and 7 Others Demand Vaccine Data is Made Public

End the Cover-up ! Call for FDA to release all Vaccine information now. In this letter, 10 members of Congress write to Commissioner Califf of the FDA to request the release of all safety and efficacy data in its position for EUA COVID-19 products that have now been approved by …

Over 70% Say Lessons of Easter and Passover Important to Keeping America’s Future Strong

April 11, 2022

Over 70% Say Lessons of Easter and Passover Important to Keeping America’s Future Strong

  (Austin, TX—April 11, 2022) Convention of States Action, in partnership with The Trafalgar Group—one of America’s most accurate pollsters in 2016, 2018, 2020, and 2021—is releasing the results of a new national survey. Results were from surveys conducted April 5th through April 8th of over 1,000 likely 2022 election …

april 10th rally

April 11, 2022

Defeat the Mandates: A Rally for Medical Freedom!

The crowd goes wild with excitement at the rally this past weekend as bold featured speakers, including Dr. Naomi Wolf, took the stage to speak about medical freedom and the preservation of our Constitutional rights.   Watch the video clip below!    

nys lawsuit filed for illegal quarantines

April 11, 2022

LAWSUIT FILED Against NYS Department of Health’s Illegal Forced Quarantines

A lawsuit was filed by Uniting NYS with Attorney Bobbi Anne Cox on April 1, against Hochul, the DOH Commissioner, the Department of Health, and the Public Health and Health Planning Council over their illegal forced “Isolation and Quarantine.” Regulation 10 NYCRR 2.13 Isolation and Quarantine Procedures. Three New York …

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