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March 1, 2024

Chicago Sues Big Oil for Climate Change As Its Weather has been Nice and Unremarkable for Years

Climate Change Blamed for Municipal Problems The City of Chicago is suing Big Oil for climate change: Chicago is suing five of the world’s largest oil and gas companies, accusing them of lying about their products and the dangers of climate change that contributes to flooding, extreme heat and other destructive forces …

March 1, 2024

“The Political Persecution of Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff”

On February 15, 2011, the Austrian human rights defender Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff was convicted of “hate speech” in a Vienna courtroom for what she had said in a private seminar about Muhammad and Islam.   The original charge was “incitement to hatred”[i]. On the second day of her trial, the judge …

March 1, 2024

“The Great Replacement is Real. The Nightmare Scenario is Now”

Stress Testing Western Civilization by Destroying It In the Great Game played by the U.N., the W.E.F., and its various grim satellites, the international policy shops, and the closeted meetings of the Round Table, Bilderberg and the Committee of 300, the Vril, the 33rd Degree idiots, the backrooms of the …

March 1, 2024


Be Prepared for Whatever the Globalists are Cooking up Next. Disease X? Another round of COVID? White Lung? AlaskaPox? The Bubonic Plague (we aren’t joking!)? Whatever they are planning for the next pandemic – you can be prepared! Be Prepared for China Using their Dominance over the Global Pharmaceutical Supply …

March 1, 2024

“Why Should We Trust Any ‘Big’ Corporation?” The intersection of healthcare and corporate interests has long been a subject of scrutiny, especially in the context of the pharmaceutical industry. The business model of mainstream pharmaceutical companies, often referred to as “Big Pharma,” prioritizes profits over patients’ well-being. Unfortunately for us, it’s not just Big Pharma we …

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