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March 13, 2024

A Word From Our Sponsor: Toxic-Free Skin Care From CHARLIS Beauty

Embrace the Shift to Safe Beauty The journey towards radiant health and impeccable beauty begins with awareness. Understanding the hidden dangers of many mainstream beauty products is the first step to making informed choices. Our bodies are sanctuaries, deserving of the purest ingredients that nature and science can offer. By …

March 13, 2024

“Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff: Tried in Europe for the Crime of Free Speech” Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff is an activist for freedom of speech in Austria. She made remarks about the Prophet Mohammad’s marriage to a child, that led her to be charged with derogation of religious teachings. She appealed to the highest court, and the European Court of Human Rights finally concluded that …

March 13, 2024

Astragalus – Anti-Cancer, Immune-Boosting Chinese Medicine Superstar Astragalus, a root grown in Asia, is also known as “milk vetch”. It has, for thousands of years, been a star of traditional Chinese medicine’s herbal pantheon. It shows powerful evidence of boosting the immune system. The effect it has on those dealing with cancer is notable, according to …

March 12, 2024

Lessons From the Religious Wars

Only an intact Constitution can protect us from tribal and ideological warfare. François Dubois (Public Domain) A few days ago, I saw a report that James “J.R.” Reeves—Chief Information Officer and IT Director for U.S. Agency for Global Media (USAGM)—has long been in the habit of referring to white people on his …

March 12, 2024

America’s Energy Scam! A deliberate exploitation of humanity that only increases emissions!

America is aggressively pursuing “green” electricity and actively phasing out crude oil to reduce emissions generated in America by deliberately increasing worldwide exploitations of humanity, environmental degradation, and increased emissions. California Governor Gavin Newsom, President Joe Biden, and world leaders are not cognizant enough to know that wind turbines and solar panels only generate occasional electricity and cannot manufacture tires, cable …

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