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March 28, 2024

“The CDC Is Infiltrating Public Schools” Melissa Blasek discusses the importance of creating a movement at the state and local levels. Ann Marie Banfield, an education and parent rights activist, joins Blasek to reveal the details of the CDC program infiltrating public schools across the country and how to fight back. Please Support Our Sponsors …

March 28, 2024

“Journalistic Malpractice at The New York Times”

An obsequious press corps now serves as the mouthpiece for the country’s vast censorship apparatus. Last Sunday, The New York Times ran a front page story “How Trump’s Allies Are Winning the War Over Disinformation.” The Gray Lady covered the battle for the First Amendment in familiar doublethink. As we’ve covered throughout …

March 28, 2024

“The Meltdown of Commercial Real Estate”

In case you’ve still got money in a bank, Bloomberg is warning that defaults in commercial real estate loans could “topple” hundreds of US banks. Leaving taxpayers on the hook for trillions in losses. The note, by Senior Editor James Crombie, walks us through the festering hellscape that is commercial …

March 28, 2024

“Perverse Incentives”

I. Introduction We live in a world awash in perverse incentives. A perverse incentive is when the rules, structures, or practices of any system reward bad behavior or sociopathic outcomes. I had to come up with my own definition because all of the official definitions claim that perverse incentives are unintended. …

March 27, 2024

Unrestricted Investigates E25S2: “An Interview with J6er Jake Lang”

Brian O’Shea discusses with J6er the realities of what really happened that day and the unjust justice system’s systemic attack on everyday Americans. Jake Lang joins Brian O’Shea via phone to discuss this and more! Tune in and find out all the stuff they purposefully never told you about! …

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