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October 19, 2019

The Week In Congress: Congress “Suspended the Rules” Again

Bills to help Hong Kong—great bills, some of them, supportive of the protesters and of human rights; but slated to be passed without voting or debate. The “suspension of the rules” loophole is the biggest under-reported story in America right now, we believe here at DailyClout. This loophole allows bills …

October 7, 2019

Opinion: Trump’s Stonewalling of Impeachment Inquiry Is an Impeachable Offense

As three committees of the House of Representatives proceeded with the impeachment inquiry of Donald Trump, the president tweeted, “I am coming to the conclusion that what is taking place is not an impeachment, it is a COUP.” Encyclopedia Britannica defines coup d’etat as “the sudden, violent overthrow of an existing government by …

September 24, 2019

It’s National Voter Registration Day—Are You Registered to Vote?

September 12, 2019

Confused? Creates a Handy Comparison Chart of the main US Presidential Candidates’ Platforms—Issue by Issue

DailyClout has created an at-a-glance guide to the people running for President in 2020.

September 8, 2019

Summer: a simple love story, or a stealth feminist manifesto?

Edith Wharton’s Summer is a radical feminist manifesto novella, though it is rarely perceived this way. Wharton herself – due to her status as an affluent woman from a genteel New York family – is often misread as a ‘proper lady novelist’. But she is a secret renegade. In the character of Charity Royall, Wharton constructs …

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