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Building Tools for Tomorrow’s Shareable and Social Democracy

January 20, 2020

Bulletin Board—Koala drinking stations can reduce impact of climate change

January 17, 2020

Opinion—Trump’s New Policy on Israeli Settlements Is Illegal and Self-Serving

January 15, 2020

Bulletin Board—Join #VOTEPROCHOICE at the 2020 Women’s March

January 14, 2020

Bulletin Board—Arizona Women’s March 2020

January 13, 2020

Letter from Australia: Australia’s Story of Demolished Human Rights

The origins of the rise of authoritarianism in Australia are grounded in Australia’s history of colonialization. Following Captain James Cook’s declaration, the new land wasTerra Nullius. This Latin term meant the land was uninhabited by people. This statement did away with the need to negotiate or compensate an Indigenous people.(1) …

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