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Building Tools for Tomorrow’s Shareable and Social Democracy

April 12, 2024

An Excerpt from “Motorhome Prophesies: A Journey of Healing and Forgiveness” by Carrie Sheffield

Excerpt from Motorhome Prophesies by Carrie Sheffield I grew up one of eight children with a violent, mentally ill street-musician father, who believed he was an offshoot fundamentalist Mormon prophet that would someday become president of the United States and that Satan had “reassigned” lesser demons to personally torment our …

April 12, 2024

“The Varieties of Political Experience: The Health Freedom Activist Community Brings the Hammer Down”

Originally published on Substack We do not often characterize politics as spiritual activity. Many if not most people associate it with problematic power struggles and necessary evils — the supposed opposite of spirituality. And yet, if we define spiritual activity as the effect of “immaterial” ideas and morals on the …

April 12, 2024

“Geert Vanden Bossche’s DIRE WARNING: Vaccinated Entering ‘Hyper Acute’ Phase – Mass Casualties” We feature Geert Vanden Bosscha’s recent Substack with DIRE warnings that appear to be playing out. ALSO – special guest John Gilmore of the Autism Action Network. A series of incredibly HORRIBLE bills on the docket in NYS and coming to a state near you if people don’t WAKE …

April 11, 2024

“Taking On the Mask Mandate Madness”

Melissa Blasek discusses layers of activism and the importance of building positive relationships with legislators. Stephen Petty, an industrial hygienist and health and safety expert, joins Blasek to discuss how he fought the mask mandate madness. Additionally, he shares insights into the East Palestine, OH, disaster and aftermath. Please …

Pfizer and Moderna signs

April 11, 2024

Report 98: FDA Selected Its ‘Vaccines Advisory Committee’ – Not Its Gene Therapy Advisory Committee – to Recommend the COVID Injections for Emergency Use, to Hide the Fact that the Products Are Not Vaccines But Gene Therapies

COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ drugs are modified mRNA gene therapy products. So, why did the FDA assign the review and recommendation responsibilities to the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Committee (VRBPAC) instead of the Cellular Tissue and Gene Therapy Advisory Committee (CTGTAC)? CTGTAC was the logical FDA advisory committee for such a …

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