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August 4, 2021

“FIVE FREEDOMS” – NEWS FEED: Vanguard Offers $1,000 To Vaccine Holdouts To Get Jabbed

  Remember when you were in college and the local clinic would offer you $20 to participate in some “benign” medical experiment? Well, we are now at $1000 and rising fast. Late last week, when we were stunned to report that Biden had called on states to bribe vaccine holdouts with …

August 4, 2021

“FIVE FREEDOMS” – NEWS FEED: ‘WalkOutWednesday’ to Protest Forced Vaccinations at Jobs, Schools

  A grassroots movement protesting mandatory COVID-19 vaccines has named Wednesday, August 11 “WalkOutWednesday.” “Join the movement to walk out and protest your place of employment and your school at noon in your time zone on Wednesday, August 11,” reads an announcement about the event. “No one should be forced, coerced, or …

August 4, 2021

“FIVE FREEDOMS” – NEWS FEED: Scientist: ‘What We’re Seeing Is Virus Evolution 101’ — Delta Variant More Transmissible, Not More Deadly

  As COVID — especially the Delta variant — surges among the fully vaccinated, Brian Hooker, Ph.D., said the more the variant deviates from the original sequence used for the vaccine, the less effective the vaccine will be on that variant. READ Megan Redshaw’s article in The Defender

August 4, 2021

“FIVE FREEDOMS” – NEWS FEED: Freedom Fighter Court VICTORY! Ends Masking, Shots, Quarantine in Alberta!

  WE CAN WIN! Patrick King is a proud father of 2, Freedom Fighter and Patriot who took on the powerful government in Alberta, and WON! We can ALL learn from this, and we MUST battle this in every single city, every single county, every single state, every single NATION! …

August 4, 2021


  The American Constitutional Rights Union is watching our elected officials to hold them accountable for rights abuses and government overreach. Americans treasure basic natural rights, like the right to attend church, gather publicly or in their own homes, and travel freely within the United States without new government “passports.” …

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