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September 9, 2021

“BULLETIN BOARD”:ANTI MEDICAL DISCRIMINATION BOYCOTT: TravelZoo Markets “Europe for Vaccinated Americans”

Europe for Vaccinated Americans: Fly Roundtrip from $272 By Jonathan Jones   The recent news out of Europe has left many of us a bit confused and questioning when we’ll be able to visit our favorite destinations again. The good news is that many European countries are indeed open to …

September 9, 2021

“NEWS FEED”: Joint Statement from ABP, ABFM, and ABIM on “Misinformation” from Physicians

The Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB), which supports its member state medical licensing boards, has recently issued a statement saying that providing misinformation about the COVID-19 vaccine contradicts physicians’ ethical and professional responsibilities, and therefore may subject a physician to disciplinary actions, including suspension or revocation of their medical license. We at the American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM), the American Board …

September 9, 2021

“FIVE FREEDOMS”:[VIDEO] Dr Naomi Wolf interviews Attorney Jenin Younes of the NCLA

In this episode of ‘Daily Clout’ Dr Naomi Wolf sits down with Attorney Jenin Younes– Litigation Counsel for the New Civil Liberties Alliance. Younes details the recent court victory for Professor Todd Zywicki, who faced termination of employment from George Mason University for failure to comply with vaccine mandates, though …

September 9, 2021

“FIVE FREEDOMS”: PRESS RELEASE-Children’s Health Defense-Walk Out Week

Children’s Health Defense Launches ‘Walk Out Week’ to Combat Arbitrary and Dangerous Mandates and Restrictions Thousands of Parents and Educators Plan to ‘Walk Out’ To Protest Masking, Vaccine Mandates    Washington, DC – Children’s Health Defense (CHD) is launching a nationwide “Walk Out Week” starting on September 13 in response to …

September 8, 2021

“Citizens’ Corner”-Letters to the Editor-California AB 1022

Letter to the Editor from Sue Hecht: “We received the updates to Assembly member Low’s potential bill (AB1102) late last week.  It would  amend the current state discrimination statute (Section 12940 of the Government Code) by specifying that CA employers can require Emergency Use Authorized COVID-19 vaccines as a condition …

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