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September 20, 2021

“FIVE FREEDOMS”: Interview with Massachusetts State Representative Peter Durant

In this episode of Daily Clout Dr Naomi Wolf interviews Massachusetts State Representative Peter Durant, to discuss the legislation he’s recently introduced HB4416. Watch here to learn more about this bill and what it will do once passed. YouTube RUMBLE

September 20, 2021

CITIZENS’ CORNER: [OPINION] Reading writing arithmetic II Stem the Tide of Tyranny

Did you know September 17 is “Constitution Day” the “birthday” of the United States government. Every September 17th, America commemorates the ratification of the U.S. Constitution. Among the 39 Founding Fathers who signed that historic text in 1787 were George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and Benjamin Franklin. …

September 20, 2021

“FIVE FREEDOMS”: CHD Episode 11 Teaser-Breaking News

Children’s Health Defense- Episode 11 Teaser, and breaking news with Aimee Villella, Stephanie Locricchio, and attorney Mary Holland. YouTube RUMBLE

September 20, 2021

CITIZENS’ CORNER: [OPINION] California voters give Newsom approval to continue regressive policies against the working class

  The working class have spoken, with their votes, that they support Governor Newsom’s bloated, sleepy, and sloppy bureaucracy that caters to the upper class: Those that can afford electricity and fuels at any cost, Those that tolerate the growing homeless population as they don’t live near those encampments, Those …

September 20, 2021

“FIVE FREEDOMS”: [WATCH] “Withheld”-The Silencing of Science with Dr Naomi Wolf

Round Table Discussion with Dr’s Wolf, Tenenbaum, Alexander, and Risch regarding the curious case of treatment options being withheld during a global crisis– and the subsequent silencing, shaming, and retaliation of medical doctors who are working to treat their patients, and publicly share their clinical experiences’. YouTube RUMBLE

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