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October 5, 2021

CITIZENS’ CORNER:[Letters to The Editor-POETRY] “Building Backwards”

Building Backwards Almost everything seemed devoid of romance and replaced with suspicious software. Hearts diseased from regurgitated garble, souls reset with sustainable lies. Humans drifting under a darkened cloud, anemic to discern malevolence from good. Parents programmed to imperil little ones at one of the many test subject spots. Such …

October 5, 2021

NEWS FEED: Where is the Biden Executive Order mandating the vaccine? Does it exist?

Where is the Biden Executive Order mandating the vaccine? Does it exist? Oct5 by Jon Rappoport by Jon Rappoport October 5, 2021 (To join our email list, click here.) I’m talking about the Executive Order (EO) commanding all US companies with more than 100 employees to mandate the COVID vaccine …

October 5, 2021

FIVE FREEDOMS: [OP-ED] Huge uptick in ivermectin use is causing profit-driven Big Pharma to sell patented copycat pills

Mon Oct 4, 2021 – 3:36 pm EDT (LifeSiteNews) — The unrelenting opposition to using ivermectin to treat and prevent COVID-19 is stronger than ever. This has resulted from a gigantic increase in demand for IVM by much of the public. Despite big media tirades against IVM, the truth about …

October 5, 2021

BULLETIN BOARD:[CLASSES] “Non-Profit Leadership” and “Why Style Matters”

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October 4, 2021

NEWS FEED: Far Left Justice Sonia Sotomayer Denies Vaccine Mandate Challenge from NYC Teachers

Justice Sonia Sotomayor on Friday denied a request from a group of New York City teachers to block the city’s vaccine mandate for public school employees. Sotomayor did not refer the request to the other Supreme Court justices, or comment on her action, likely signaling they agreed with her decision. …

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