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May 2, 2024

E42S2: “Why Is the Invasion Being Allowed?” w/ JJ Carrell

JJ Carrell, retired Border Patrol Agent and cohost of Unrestricted Invasion, went back to his first duty station in the Border Patrol in San Diego, CA, to begin my journey filming a new documentary, What is Treason?. The machine constructed by the government and operated by the NGOs is bigger …

May 2, 2024

“Spiritual Warfare and The Great Reset”

From where is the now-well-established ‘depopulation agenda’ really coming? What are the globalists planning next? And, most importantly, how can we protect ourselves from metaphysical evil? Kate Hildreth, the ‘Rogue Millennial’, interviewed Louis Melgoza, a Catholic Demonologist, film producer, and speaker, who has studied spiritual warfare for over a decade. …

May 1, 2024

“Spring is FINALLY Here! Natural Tick Deterrents and Natural Skincare For Healthy, Happy Skin”

Kate Hildreth shares her research into natural tick repellants and natural skincare, just in time for spring! It turns out, ticks hate peppermint, lemongrass, and eucalyptus essential oils. Plus, tallow is taking the skincare industry by storm. Is there any truth to the hype? Get ready to learn about practical …

May 1, 2024

“Canadian Researchers: Massive Post-2021 Infertility Codes in Gov’t Records”

Researcher Deanna McLeod and physician Dr. Susan Natsheh reveal data that Dr. Natsheh obtained via FOI from Ontario’s health insurance plan system. Their analysis shows that medical billing/diagnostic codes such as menstrual disorders, post-menopausal bleeding, miscarriage, and spontaneous abortion, male and female infertility, and low sperm count, and no sperm …

May 1, 2024

E39S2: “All Enemies…Domestic, Domestic, Domestic” w/Brian O’Shea & JJ Carrell

The most dangerous enemies to our constitutional Republic may be foreign, but domestic enemies are turning out to be a threat to our sovereignty as well. There are three types of domestic enemies by which the US is currently beleaguered: our elected officials; a potential “Fifth Column” formed by those …

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