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University Vaccine Mandates

March 11, 2022

Fighting University Vaccine Mandates – Legal Strategies

Thursday, March 10th, 2022, DailyClout held a live webinar, featuring Attorney Warner Mendenhall, covering the on-going vaccine mandates at prominent Universities.  Mr. Mendenhall discussed legal options for students and parents affected by these mandates.  Below is the recorded webinar. Leading Civil Rights Attorney & Former Akron OH City Councilman, Warner …

March 9, 2022

Should Nazism be Used as a Metaphor for Current Events? Steven Maslow Says ‘No’

Is it Ever Appropriate to use ‘Nazism’ as a Metaphor for Current Events? Steven Maslow Says ‘No’. Watch DailyClout’s New ‘Civil Debate‘ Feature’

March 8, 2022

Jay Cameron explains Canada’s Emergency Act

Dr. Naomi Wolf speaks with Jay Cameron, Litigation Director of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms about the Canadians Emergency Act. Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms in Canada is a non-profit law firm dedicated to the education and defense of Canadians’ constitutional rights, especially freedom of religion and conscience, freedom …


March 8, 2022

For Texans and Australians, it’s breezes and sunshine, or no grid at all

With their ban on nuclear and the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) divesting objectives to divest in coal, natural gas, and crude oil, all their eggs are on breezes and sunshine for electricity. The Texans’ Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), and Australians are constantly being blown away with the …

March 7, 2022

Nurse Reads 9 Pages of Adverse Effects that Pfizer Concealed from Everyone

On Tiktok, a registered nurse from Ontario, Canada printed out the first 38 pages of Pfizer documents. In this video, she shares the evidence relaying the adverse effects of the Covid-19 vaccine that Pfizer kept hidden from everyone. The report includes side effects such as congenital disorders, inflammation, paralysis, and …

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