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New York DOH Renewing These Emergency Regulations

March 31, 2022

New York DOH Renewing These Emergency Regulations

Attention New Yorkers! New York State Department of Health is renewing a vast array of emergency regulations at its meeting on Tuesday, April 5th, including: MASKING, QUARANTINE, and TESTING AND REPORTING Judge Rademaker, a NYS Supreme Court judge, determined the State’s actions as “illegal, unlawful, and unconstitutional” on Jan 24th, …

BREAKING: TX Federal Judge Grants Class Action Status To Navy SEALS In Lawsuit Against Secretary of Defense Austin Over Vaccine Mandates

March 31, 2022

TX Federal Judge Grants Class Action Status To Navy SEALS In Lawsuit Against Secretary of Defense Austin Over Vaccine Mandates

  Judge Reed O’Conner in the US District Court, Northern District of Texas just granted ‘class action’ status to Navy SEALs suing Secretary of Defense Austin over vaccine mandates.   View Full Article

Anti-Russian Hatred Helps No One; Racism is Racism

March 31, 2022

Anti-Russian Hatred Helps No One; Racism is Racism

While there is  chaos and violence along the Russian-Ukrainian border halfway around the world from the United States, Russians in America are also feeling pressure from world events. Russian-owned businesses in our own country are beginning to feel the backlash. Ugly examples of anti-Russian racism are surfacing — and this, in …

Save California

March 31, 2022

Save California by Voting Against This Bill

  Senate considers legislation that would defund the police for not enforcing mask mandates. The tyranny just keeps on coming. Please everyone in California call your state senator and tell them to vote against SB-1464. We have to keep the pressure on.   Find the bill in BillCam: SB1464

March 31, 2022

ANNOUNCEMENT: Judge Blocks COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Entire Navy

  EXCEPTIONAL news! Judge Blocks COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Entire Navy; but it may be too late, too many military got the injection, it is catastrophic, we do not know long term impact, sadly! If I were them, I would turn to lawyers now, ask me for data & science, …

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