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ebola gain of function

June 6, 2022

Ebola Virus Research at Texas Biomed Gets NIH Funding Boost

Ebola virus research at Texas Biomed gets NIH funding boost     Two new grants support research exploring how Ebola virus spreads in the body with implication for targeted viral treatments SAN ANTONIO (June 17, 2021) – Scientists have a general idea of how viruses invade and spread in the …


June 6, 2022

Princeton Parent Pleads for Students’ Medical Freedom

Princeton Parent Pleads for Students’ Medical Freedom To whom it may concern, I recently called Princeton to inquire about your Covid booster policy for the 2022-23 school year and the person on the phone told me that she had no idea about it and to email this address. Cornell has …


June 6, 2022

Mercola: We’re Now in the Last Stage of a Tyrannical Takeover

We’re Now in the Last Stage of a Tyrannical Takeover   In this video, Dr. Mercola interviews Dr. Naomi Wolf. They discuss the second amendment, marksmanship, the World Economic Forum, and more.   Dr. Wolf provides insight on the best ways to make plans for the Great Reset and organizing …

clinical trials

June 6, 2022

Report 24: Dr. Fernando Polack – Real Person or Ghost?

Dr. Fernando Polack: Real Person or Ghost? Who is Dr. Fernando Polack, and where does he work? Vanderbilt in Nashville? No. Johns Hopkins in Baltimore? No. Buenos Aires? Not that I can find.  In this brief foray into Dr. Polack’s background, he appears to be more of a well-funded ghost …

naomi wolf bodies of others

June 3, 2022

Amazon Silencing Dr. Wolf’s New Book ‘The Bodies Of Others’

Amazon Silencing Dr. Wolf’s New Book ‘The Bodies Of Others’ In this video, Dr. Naomi Wolf joins Steve Bannon’s War Room discuss the release of her new book The Bodies of Others. While mainstream media and larger stores such as Amazon are limiting sales, Dr. Wolf shares insight on how/where …

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