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September 12, 2022

“Teen Fashion MAG Advocating FAR LEFT AGENDA in K-12 Schools”

Calling Students to Join Clubs, Activate, and Promote Alternative Lifestyles Without Parent Knowledge Teen Vogue released an article August 9, titled The Right Is Misusing the Word “Grooming,” and It Can Have Serious Consequences, calling for a halt to the use of the term related to the introduction of sexuality and gender identity education beginning …

September 12, 2022

New Emails Showing Twitter/Government Collusion

Exh A Exh B Exh E Exh F

September 12, 2022

Dr Naomi Wolf’s Statement on White House Censorship

“Today my lawyers submitted a new court filing with additional documents that show how the executive branch of our federal government worked with Twitter to silence me for asking questions about the Covid-19 vaccines. These documents also appear to show that the censorship project between Twitter and the executive branch …

September 12, 2022

Besties: Twitter, Facebook, Google, CDC, NIH, WHO

Many of us with a libertarian frame of mind presume as a matter of theory that the interests of business are at odds with those of government. That’s generally true for businesses of a certain size. The regulations and taxes one faces in running an enterprise in the “land of …

September 12, 2022

Ob/Gyn Warns of Possible Links Between mRNA Injections, Miscarriages and Malformations

Dr. Naomi Wolf joins Ob-Gyn Dr. James Thorp to discuss the dangers of the COVID vaccine to pregnant women.   Dr. Thorp explains cases of swollen lymph nodes in pregnant women, as well as other instances of inflammation caused by lipid nanoparticles, throughout the mother’s body and especially affecting the …

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