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October 11, 2022

The BIG Announcement We Have Been Waiting to Make

EcoHealth Alliance, Peter Daszak, Janet Daszak, Ralph Baric, et al. are being sued. It’s a toxic tort lawsuit for exposing others to a toxic substance, i.e., in this case, SARS-CoV-2. There will be no PREP Act protections for these people and entities, because the suit is about the virus, not …

October 10, 2022

Florida recommends AGAINST mRNA Vaccines for Males Ages 0-40!

Great news! The state of Florida, which has been at the forefront of Covid science, already recommends AGAINST Covid vaccines for all children under 18, and as of today for all males under 40! Florida cannot ban mRNA vaccines, because it can only be done at the federal level. Watch many …

October 10, 2022

Vaccine mandates to stay in Victoria

Summary: “Health workers treating Victoria’s sickest and most vulnerable people will still need their COVID-19 jabs when the state’s pandemic declaration ends. Victoria’s pandemic declaration is due to expire on Wednesday, [October 14, 2022], rendering the few remaining COVID-19 orders and vaccine mandates unenforceable under the legal framework. However, Victorian …

October 10, 2022

Ghosts of Tiananmen and CCP’S people’s war on the US

A woman holding blank papers is stopped and searched by police officers on the 33rd anniversary of the crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrations at Beijing’s Tiananmen Square in 1989, in Hong Kong, China June 4, 2022. REUTERS/Lam Yik – RC2WKU9KKXMT What is never reported in US media is that in 2019 …

October 10, 2022

Massachusetts Rabbi Under Attack

Rabbi Michoel Green is the Rabbi of Congregation Ahavat Achim in Westborough, Massachusetts. Rabbi Green is an independent thinker, and he made a name for himself early on in the Covid era as a Rabbi who constantly questioned the authorities, beginning with an immediate aversion to any forced closures of …

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