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October 24, 2022

Let the Apologies Begin

Danielle Smith was sworn in as Alberta’s new Premier on Oct 11, after having won the election for United Conservative Party Leadership the week prior. During her campaign, Ms. Smith was vocal about her opposition to Covid mandates and pledged to do away with them as premier. During a press …

October 21, 2022

WATCH NOW: How to Take Legal Action Against Individuals Who Will Inject American Kids with mRNA Vaccines Post-CDC Recommendation

Monday, October 24th 2022 @ 6:30PM EDT On Thursday, October 20, 2022, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advisory committee on vaccines, Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), approved adding COVID-19 vaccines to the agency’s recommended immunization schedule for children. We will discuss their decision as well …

October 21, 2022

Event: RFK Jr. Film The Real Anthony Fauci Movie Out Now for Free

RFK Jr. Film The Real Anthony Fauci movie out now for free viewing, many thanks to Jeff Hays films.   Watch Now David Martin Screening of American R/Evolution, a deep dive into the hidden history of the US and the efforts to hijack the dream from an early date.   …

October 20, 2022

Collision Incoming

Dr. Yaffa Shir-Raz and Professor Retsef Levy have done serious research into data on reported vaccine injuries, both in VAERS in the US and in Israel, as well as on Pfizer’s data and studies. Over the summer, Dr. Shir-Raz broke a huge news story that involved a leaked Zoom call …

October 20, 2022

ACIP committee approves mRNA vaccines for the childhood schedule 15-0

We all predicted this would happen. This allows the EUA to end, but provides full immunity protection forever for the COVID vaccine manufacturers. This just happened minutes ago. The ACIP committee voted on Thursday, as predicted, to add the COVID vaccines to the childhood vaccination schedule so that the manufacturers …

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