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December 7, 2022

Dr. Wolf On Forced MRNA Vaccines For Soldiers And Students

Dr. Naomi Wolf appeared on Steve Bannon’s War Room on Tuesday evening. Dr. Wolf discussed her recent appearance at a Medical Freedom rally at Yale University, her alma mater, and military vaccine mandates which are currently under the microscope as a new Congress prepares to enter D.C. As the …

December 7, 2022

Today’s Legislative Call to Action: Sealing Records

About S.5146 A bill to provide for the sealing of records relating to Federal nonviolent criminal offenses related to substance use disorders, and for other purposes US Congress 117th Congress                 Take Action!  Let your community know about this bill!  Let your legislators …

December 7, 2022

Canada’s Emergency Act Inquiry Windup Shows Biden and Trudeau Lock Step in Denying Basic Fundamental Freedoms

Canada’s Public Order Emergency Commission, otherwise known as the Emergencies Act Inquiry regarding the Freedom Convoy trucker protests that took place in late January and February to fight vaccine mandates, lock-downs, and mandate related border restrictions, is finally coming to a close after six weeks.  The Freedom Convoy protests took place …

December 6, 2022

‘You’re Violating Them!’ – Dr. Naomi Wolf Gives a Fiery Speech Against Yale University’s Vax Mandate “What you’re about to do is a serious crime.” “My heart is breaking — and I’m on the verge of tears,” grieved Dr. Naomi Wolf while speaking at a December 2 medical freedom rally in front of Yale University — in opposition to the Covid-19 vaccine mandate. Yale is requiring students, …

December 6, 2022

Letters to 13 State Attorneys General to Consider Investigating and Prosecuting CDC Officials for Reckless Endangerment or Similar Crimes

Attorney Edward A. Berkovich recently sent letters to the attorneys general for Wyoming, New Hampshire, Kentucky, Kansas, Texas, Indiana, Alaska, Alabama, Arizona, Tennessee, Montana, Florida, and Utah, encouraging them to consider state-level action to investigate and prosecute Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officials for reckless endangerment or similar …

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