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June 16, 2023
Dallas Ludlum
Metformin: Unlocking the Potential of a Miracle Drug
Originally Published on the Author’s Substack In the vast landscape of pharmaceutical advancements, certain drugs have emerged as transformative agents, revolutionizing the way we approach various medical conditions. Among these groundbreaking medications, metformin stands out as a true medical marvel. Initially developed as a treatment for diabetes, metformin has transcended …
June 15, 2023
The Wellness Company
Heart-Stopping Truth: Statins & Hypertension Drugs are Destroying Your Health
Cardiovascular disease remains the number one cause of death for adults in the Western world. This has lead many people to turn to statins, ACE inhibitors, and beta blockers to manage cholesterol and hearth health. It turns out that these so-called “wonder drugs” might be wreaking havoc on …
June 15, 2023
Amy Kelly, MSCS Media
The Amazing Amy Kelly on MSCS Media: Pfizer Reports, Upcoming Moderna Documents, and How Bad Is My Batch
The Amazing Amy Kelly joined MSCS Media to discuss the Pfizer reports, adverse events, the paperback book, fertility issues, neurological issues, autoimmune issues, and how the documents got released. She also shares the latest on the upcoming release of Moderna and Pfizer 12-15, Abstractor, and How Bad Is My Batch. …
June 14, 2023
Library of Congress
Today in History: The American Flag History and Customs
On June 14, 1777, the Continental Congress approved the design of a national flag. Since 1916, when President Woodrow Wilson issued a presidential proclamation establishing a national Flag Day on June 14, Americans have commemorated the adoption of the Stars and Stripes in many ways–displaying the flag in the front …
June 14, 2023
Jane Hampton Cook
Flag Day, June 14: What does the Flag mean?
Flag Day is June 14, the day in 1777 when Congress adopted the first official U.S. flag. Jane Hampton Cook’s devotional book is Stories of Faith & Courage from the Revolutionary War. After the Continental Army’s victories at Trenton and Princeton in Dec. 1776 and Jan. 1777, General George Washington and …