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January 30, 2023

Covid Vaccines Killed 278,000 Americans by the end of 2021, Peer Reviewed Study Finds

This is in line with many other estimates A new peer-reviewed study by Mark Skidmore was published in a prestigious journal. It commissioned a survey that asked people several questions about their Covid and vaccination experience. The survey was conducted during the previous winter, so it is based on 2021 experiences. It …

January 30, 2023

‘STROKE SEASON’: CBC doctor says increased cases of stroke likely linked to the flu

Dr. Raj Bhardwaj tells CBC that he didn’t even know about this “until last year.” On Wednesday, Canadian Dr. Raj Bhardwaj, a family physician and urgent care doctor according to the CBC, said that everyone should get ready for “stroke season” which now apparently comes after “flu season.” Bhardwaj said to CBC’s Rob …

January 30, 2023

“The Definition of ‘Misinformation’ in this Law is Not Clear- It’s NONSENSE!”

Dr. Azadeh Khatibi is a board-certified physician in Los Angelos who, along with a small group of brave doctors, managed to gain a huge step toward victory in the fight for medical freedom. AB 2098- A Bill that Destroys Trust  Back in February 2022, a bill was introduced in California …

January 30, 2023

Not Religious? Might Want to Check on that Again

We are all children of modernity, which is to say, the intellectual and social movement that started in Europe some five centuries ago and placed mankind, with its capacity to think and make, at the center of the universe. This goes for even those calling themselves post-moderns, as they depend …

January 30, 2023

Eugenics, Then and Now

Listen to this article The catastrophic Covid response has many people wondering whether we should really turn over public policy — which deals with fundamental matters of human freedom — much less public health, to a state-appointed scientific establishment. Must moral imperatives give way to the judgment of technical …

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