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February 4, 2023

Dr. Naomi Wolf Details ‘The Chamber of Horrors’ the Jab Poses to Women’s Reproductive Health

Pfizer acknowledges 20-something different ways its shot can send a woman’s menstrual cycle into disarray. “There is something irregular about their [vaccinated women’s] menstrual cycles,” professed Pfizer executive Dr. Jordan Trishton Walker in Project Veritas’ latest explosive exposé. “So people will have to investigate that down the line …

February 4, 2023

“People are REELING”

The last few years have been confusing. The last few months have been crazy. The last few weeks have been INSANE. Humanity is beginning to come to terms with the fact that we’re heading towards a disaster of proportions we can’t possibly know yet. We’ve been heading there for a …

February 3, 2023

A Fall, and a Puppy in Jeopardy, Show How we Save One Another: Neighbors as Lifeblood Last Thursday afternoon, in the quiet neighborhood in an area of Salem, MA, where my husband has a little place in which we hang out when we spend time with my wonderful stepson, I foolishly decided to go for a run with our puppy. Loki is ten months old, …

Ronald Stein

February 3, 2023

Everything That Needs Electricity is Made with Oil

The few wealthy countries pursuing the generation of electricity from wind turbines and solar panels while simultaneously moving to rid the world of fossil fuels have short memories of petrochemical products and human ingenuity being the reasons for the world populating from 1 to 8 billion in less than two hundred years. …

February 3, 2023

Pfertility Megathread: Study Funded By The NIH Finds That 40.2% Of Vaccinated Women Experienced Menstrual Changes

Project Veritas released another breaking story last night featuring Pfizer executive Jordan Trishton Walker. This time, he was caught on camera openly admitting concern about women’s cycles and their fertility. As a result, #Pfertility is trending on Twitter. In light of Project Veritas’ latest bombshell, we have compiled an array of …

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