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February 15, 2023

WHO “Abandons Plans for Covid Origin Investigation”. A Perfect Cover-Up?

A Co-Conspirator of Anthony Fauci, Dr. Jeremy Farrar, now Chief UN Scientist, does not want investigations to continue The Nature Magazine reported that the World Health Organization “abandons plans to investigate Covid origin.” The World Health Organization (WHO) has quietly shelved the second phase of its much-anticipated scientific investigation into …

February 14, 2023

Dr. McCullough: Lawsuits Are Coming for Those Who Defrauded the Public

The allegations: wrongful advertising, fraud, and harm to the population. “I’m still seeing [vaccine] ads on TV paid for by the North Carolina government!” objected Real America’s Voice commentator John Fredericks. “I’m still seeing ads on TV telling you to get your child, your kindergartner, vaccinated — paid for by …

February 14, 2023

Top 10 Questions A Covid Commission Should Probe About The United States’ Pandemic Response

Here’s what Congress should be asking health officials about the handling of the Covid pandemic. In March 2020, American politicians orchestrated what would become the greatest assault against their citizens’ civil liberties in the modern era. Under the guise of “public health,” federal and state officials employed the outbreak of …

February 14, 2023

Why Was Pfizer Experimenting With Our Children?

The COVID vaccine trial was meant for Adults only, yet during the trial, and even after the start of the roll-out, children and infants were being given the adult unapproved dose of the vaccine.   If you thought that severe adverse events were worse than expected from a ‘vaccine’  that …

February 13, 2023

Are COVID Vaccines, Boosters, Possible Causes of Unexplained High Death Rates in Vermont?

Introduction The state of Vermont categorized its death data by cause of death, and this author tallied and evaluated from the years 2015 through August of 2022. Several concerning patterns were observed. A source obtained the death data directly from the Vermont Department of Health (VDH).  The original, de-identified data …

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