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February 24, 2023

Why America needs a COVID truth commission

When America faced the national tragedy of the Space Shuttle Challenger exploding in 1986, Congress created a commission with independent outside experts, including the Nobel Prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman. His iconic demonstration of a faulty O-ring made brittle in the cold as the cause of the Challenger disaster led to …

February 24, 2023

“The Rise of the Fourth Reich”: Dr. Naomi Wolf, Steve Deace, and Daniel Horowitz Discuss the Return of The Fascist Mindset

Steve Deace and Daniel Horowitz of Blaze Media joined Dr. Naomi Wolf of DailyClout to discuss Mr. Deace and Mr. Horowitz’s brand new book, “Rise of the Fourth Reich: Confronting COVID Fascism with a New Nuremberg Trial, So This Never Happens Again”. “Our Ancestors Went to War with Redcoats for …

February 24, 2023

Amy Kelly’s Appearance on SLOBODNI Podcast

Andrija Klarić and Amy Kelly discuss the Pfizer reports and the War Room / DailyClout Volunteers Analysis Reports book. SLOBODNI podcast #3 “Pfizerovi dokumenti” prvi dio   SLOBODNI podcast #5 “Pfizerovi dokumenti” drugi dio

February 23, 2023

Lab-Grown Meat Is Made of Cancer Cells. Would You Like It Rare or Medium?

USDA does not allow animal tumors to enter food chain. But lab-grown meat is made of tumor cells According to Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum, ongoing global warming threatens to destroy humanity. Methane, coming from the belches and farts of cows, is a greenhouse gas (GHG). So, cows …

February 23, 2023

Lee County Republican Party Executive Committee passes ‘Ban the Jab’ Resolution

Asks the Florida Legislature to ban the COVID vaccine The Lee County Republican Party Executive Committee passed a “Ban the Jab” resolution Tuesday night, asking the Florida Legislature to ban the COVID vaccine and the Attorney General’s Office to confiscate all doses within the state. The resolution passed by a voice vote …

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