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February 27, 2023

Obstetrician Says He Saw DOUBLE the Bleeding Problems Right After the Shots Rolled Out

And “He’s just drowning, drowning in chronic disease now from patients that had previously been healthy.” “I got a text earlier about an hour ago from a colleague in Florida, and he says he’s just drowning, drowning in chronic disease now from patients that had previously been healthy,” lamented Dr. …

February 27, 2023

Exclusive: Pfizer Denies Unethical Gain-of-Function Research for Coronavirus Vaccines in Letter to Rep. Ronny Jackson

Pfizer denied conducting gain-of-function research for the coronavirus virus in a letter to Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX), Breitbart News has learned exclusively. Jackson, a physician and a member of the Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, sent a letter in January, which was exclusively obtained by Breitbart News’s Hannah Bleau, demanding answers on …

February 26, 2023

We Can’t Talk About It, But We Have To Talk About It

I wrote this article a year ago on my Substack. It’s a reminder of where we were one year ago, how far we’ve come, and how far we still have to go.  The global war between Team Freedom and Team Control Freaks is ramping up by the hour. The kids’ vaccination …

February 26, 2023

GAME OVER: Medicare data shows the COVID vaccines increase your chance of dying

This is why the CDC has NEVER used the Medicare data to prove the vaccines are safe. And this is why NOBODY in mainstream medicine wants you to see this data. EVER. They ALL want it hidden. FOREVER. Nota Bene This may well be the most important article I’ll write …

February 25, 2023

Excess Mortality Goes Mainstream in Earth-Shattering Ed Dowd/Tucker Carlson Interview

“In 2021, the stats people expected went off the rails.” Since early 2022, Former Blackrock portfolio manager Edward Dowd has been making waves, digging into the 1s and 0s on excess death data and letting the numbers speak for themselves. “This is what we call democide, death by government,” he …

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