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October 10, 2023
The Kennedy Beacon
Full Speech: Kennedy Declares Himself Independent Candidate for President
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9opkWJn5aE Speech October 9, 2023 (Philadelphia, PA) Thank you, Lewis GrassRope, for that beautiful blessing. Lewis is a tribal elder from the Lower Brule Sioux, the grandson of a signer of the 1876 Fort Laramie treaty. My father visited South Dakota’s Pine Ridge Reservation in May of 1968 and spent …
October 10, 2023
Local Data From Croatia Shows PHENOMENON of Turbo Cancers
This interview with Andrija Klaric on the Slobodni Podcast included Dr. Ivana Pavic, a professor of pathology at the University of Zagreb, and Dr. Chris Flowers, a retired academic cancer specialist, discussing the phenomenon of turbo cancers. The discussion using local data from Croatia showed the sudden increase in 2021 of: …
October 10, 2023
Chananya Weissman
Fake Meat and Fake Rabbinic Rulings
Rav Moshe Feinstein versus the Erev Rav of today I wish to preface my lengthy critique of rabbis who are promoting fake meat with the following disclaimer: I’m not qualified to chime in on whether fake meat is technically kosher or not, and I’ve purposely avoided getting involved with hair-splitting …
October 10, 2023
Timothy Villareal
To the Editor: Dr. Paul Offit Deserves an “Honorable Mention” From the Nobel Committee
Dear DailyClout, For those of us who have followed the Covid-19 mass vaccination campaign, it has long been suspected that scientists Kariko and Weissman would get the Nobel Prize in Medicine for their role in bringing mRNA technology into billions of human bodies. As “thrilling” as it is for our …
October 10, 2023
How You Can Take Local Action in Hillsdale
Tuesday at 7 PM Hillsdale will possibly adopt an “Emergency Response Plan” which will allow the town supervisor to declare a state of emergency (criteria unknown), suspend all laws, remove anyone from their home or business to a shelter, prevent people from assembling, call in military — all at the …