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June 13, 2023

Apocalypse Lunchtime

Trapped in Surreal Orange Smoke in NYC. Do We Know What Really Happened?   Has our species been trained now not to react to catastrophic danger or even extra super weirdness? And do we know what really happened on Wednesday in New York City? Last Wednesday I was in Brooklyn, …

June 13, 2023

Dr. Peter McCullough on Jamie Foxx and the Shocking Potential Role of Spike Protein

Dr. Peter McCullough is not only America’s leading cardiologist but he is also our nation’s leading COVID-19 expert and one of the most outspoken critics of the risks of the experimental COVID-19 vaccines.   Now Dr. McCullough is speaking out after the news of a severe medical event that has …

June 13, 2023

Brian O’Shea on One Health, W.H.O. Duplicity, and CCP’s War on America

Brian O’Shea on One Health, W.H.O duplicity, CCP’s unrestricted war on America, and how you can join in the fight to protect our sovereignty against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

June 12, 2023

Top Doctor Reveals Cancer-Cutting Regimen That Big Pharma Doesn’t Want You to Know About

“Our healthcare expenditure would go down, but the pharmaceutical profits would go down, too. And obviously, that’s the issue.” “We need a reawakening because this current medical system is broken,” declared accomplished physician and author of 500 peer-reviewed journal articles Dr. Paul Marik in a sit-down interview with The …

June 9, 2023

To the Editor: Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton on the WHO Attempt to Overtake All Nations

Dear DailyClout,   Good news from Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton on the WHO attempts to overtake all nations. See below.   Dear Maureen: Thank you for contacting me about the World Health Organization’s (WHO) pandemic treaty. It’s good to hear from you, as always.  I share your concerns regarding the …

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